Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Very interesting.


  1. I finished reading your housing crash book 2 weeks ago (while recovering from an elective surgery). The scene in the trailer of the guy looking at rows of empty house struck me as similar to your book cover of you watching at the acres of empty housing development.

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Just like you said in one of your old videos Aaron, Wall Street is slowly becoming "glamorized" by HollyWood.

    Still interesting nonetheless. Thanks for sharing.

  3. yeah, you saw the housing collapse before almost everyone else

  4. Aw c'mon, Cap. Whaddya gonna do - go occupy Wall Street?

    This is where you and I part ways...yeah, sleazy banking was to blame...but so were the legions of stupid people rolling the dice and betting everything they had in a market they weren't smart enough to play in. The housing implosion was a done deal back in the late 70's when Jimmeh Carduh racialized bank lending practices and building 'habitats for humanity' ... habitats, BTW, that later collapsed on their occupants as well.

    People blame the bankers for this crap...when they should be blaming the gov't that forced them and encouraged them to make those loans.

  5. Anonymous2:23 PM

    and yet no mention of government complicity

  6. The only objection I have to the trailer is omitting the federal government's and the Fed's complicity in the fraud. But it is Hollywood after all.

  7. They might as well take your book and make a movie based on you.

  8. I'll see it and enjoy it but I must have heard the word "fraud" about 5 times in the end. Coming out of Hollyword; it tingled my Marxism spider senses.

    The fact that a few traders had an idea and were able to profit from something = reality
    The causes of 2008 being pointed at a single market factor (including the fed) = fantasy
