Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Feminists Pissing Themselves for Feminism

Honest to god, you can't make it up.


  1. I would say you're shitting me, but I'm scared of what would start showing up on Twitter

  2. Humanity is lost! People just want to be down so badly!

  3. Anonymous5:31 AM

    This can't be real. No one can be this dumb unless they have consumed at least a dozen beer before doing it. I'm really wondering if someone is trolling us by making up something this stupid to see if we will believe it.

    If it is real they should track down everyone who participated and put them in a mental institution or at least remove their right to vote. Clearly they are insane.

  4. The trolling is real, but was done by the evil geniuses who came up with it. Just to see if the Worship My Victimhood Brigade would jump in, which of course they instantly did.

    It's just like the "bikini bridge" fake outrage, which was also 4chan trollery.

  5. Anonymous10:48 AM

    They can't even use critical thinking skills anymore.

  6. Anonymous11:30 AM

    The twitter accounts in the article are fakes.

  7. It's too bad that poll place tests had a racist history of keeping blacks from voting and now have such a stink from that where they will not be considered evermore. If you can't tell me who the heck you're voting for, who the President and four cabinet members are or even who won World War II, some rudimentary current events or community civics questions, then go home. You don't need to be a landowner but at least bring in your 1040 to show you paid income tax last year and were a donor and not a receiver of the public's largesse. Have a card that gets stamped whenever you attend a city council or board meeting or spent 100 hours of volunteer charity work. Show some gosh darn skin in the game. All these pants peers, men who sit to pee, and slut walkers almost make me wish there was a civilian draft to have everyone dig ditches and pour concrete or whatever for a year to man and woman them up as soon as they leave high school.

    If you peed your pants for feminism, cut yourself to gain sympathy, cannot pass a drug/alcohol test at the polling station, wear pants with the waistband under your buttocks, or any of the above, go home, sober up, go learn a thing or two about your universe, then come back next time. Pee your pants for feminism. Jesus H. Christ on a crutch just take me now.
