Friday, October 02, 2015

Psychology is BS

Just utter BS.


  1. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Now the 100$ question : would had she burnt her eyes if there was no social subsidies to blind peoples ?

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Psychology was the most popular major in college when I was touring campuses a couple years ago.

  3. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Wow. Just wow. I guess now we are supposed to just "accept" people's delusions and psychosis no matter how insane. There is no longer any objective reality anymore. Whatever some insane person believes in their mind we now must pander to it. Cause, you know, tolerance and stuff

    By all accounts of quantum physics, the universe should collapse on itself

  4. TroperA11:58 PM

    Psychologists often become psychologists in order to diagnose and treat their own craziness. And it seems everyone one I've gone to wanted to throw anti-depressants at me like they were some sort of cure-all panacea. (Not that I don't see the benefit of drugs for people with severe mental problems, it's just that if my problems are being caused by my bad habits and bad decisions, then I don't see how radically altering my brain chemistry is going to help. Maybe instead we should work on altering my bad habits and destructive beliefs.)

  5. Anonymous4:50 AM

    How is what she experienced, and did, any different than what Bruce J did when he "transitioned" to female? Why is one a horror, and the other a joy to all?

  6. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Psychologists do not have to gain admittance into medical school. They are distinct from the psychiatrists who do drug research, study and treat actual schizophrenia, bipolar, etc.

  7. That makes my head hurt.

    I HAVE a freakin' disability. A minor one (Thank God!), but a PITA none the less.

    I have spent two and a half decades now trying to minimize, hide, and otherwise keep that disability out of my life, and to not hate myself despite the fact that it will, inevitably, crop up again.

    I cannot wrap my brain around actively seeking to make oneself more disabled. I just can't. Surely there have to be other ways to get some empathy in life. Surely life throws up obstacles and challenges enough.

  8. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Hi Captain,

    You keep admitting that under capitalism one has very little control over how much income one gets and that focus should be placed towards minimalism and cutting spending as much as possible to build savings and wealth over time.

    Isn't that a kind of indictment of the system itself ? Back in the hunting and gathering days, one could control his income. You want twice more fish ? Then work twice as hard. You want twice more produce ? Then go and work twice as hard gathering produce.

    Isn't it a shame that one cannot do so in our current system ? What went wrong ?

  9. Couldn't she have just closed her eyes and worn dark glasses? Not like it's acceptable to ask blind people to prove they're really blind.
    Plus, if you decide to 'see' for a few minutes every now and again (where did I leave the spare toilet paper) you can.
    Sounds like the woman just wants the sympathy and attention. Note: a man who did this to himself would be on his own (no white knights for men).

  10. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I am grateful that I discovered Cappy during the frustrating post college years of not finding/getting employment in the field of psychology while working minimum wage jobs. I dodged a bullet in delaying going to graduate school if I am going to gain more debt than I already have with a bachelor degree($29,000 so not bad) and no employment prospects. There is a high supply of psychology major graduates than the actual demand. I knew I wanted to become a counselor while other people took the major because they did not know what else to do. I wish I knew about Cappy in Fall 2008 as a college freshmen and not take a psychology degree and did one of the hard sciences such as biology or chemistry. Chemistry was difficult and math was getting difficult but Cappy always says in his videos "Suck it up millenial babies, math is hard, do it anyway because will benefit you later on in life". I would not have listened to Cappy back in 2008 because I was still going through the Special Snowflake "You can follow your dreams and the monkey will follow" stage. But I am more receptive now I experienced frustration, confusion, and cynical disillusionment that my professors, single mother, media, pastors, etc have potentially give me false hope that getting an " college education" equals a successful life. I was shocked and angry that high school dropouts and high school graduates without college degrees worked their butts as well as use practical real world intelligence to gain stable higher paying jobs and fulfilling careers than my worthless degree does not offer. I am discovering online businesses and other possible career paths that can utilize my skills without throwing my mother and my money away.
