Thursday, October 01, 2015

Seriously, THIS is Why I Have Guns

These are zombies.   Liberals, but zombies none the less.  They will be coming for you if society lets them.


  1. Jesus.11:14 AM

    I don't think you'll need guns to subdue these leftards.

  2. bob r6:17 PM

    Zombies (Bob Hope movie clip)


  3. guns are unnecessary in a qualitative sense. A leftard would be fairly easy to subdue without the use of firearms.

    But quantity has a quality of its own, which is where the use or threat of firearms could be a helpful contingency

  4. Damn man, stare into the abyss and the abyss stares into you. I think Nietzsche said something along those lines.

  5. I started half-heartedly reading this thinking it's more of the same stuff we've all said before. I was right, but this was so well written Cap. By the time I got to the end I'd saved it down on my hard drive as one of my 'core lessons' in my 'red pill curriculum' folder.

    We need to keep writing, keep blogging and getting the message out. The message is getting out. It's getting less and less rare to see red pill comments popping up in conversation, but there's still a long way to go.

    Nothing is going to stop the decline. But when it hits, the more sane people there are the more chance of a successful rebuild.

  6. Think I put that last comment on the wrong post. It was supposed to be on 'Blame Women (Disproportionately) for the Collapse of Western Civilization'. I am at work and reading in a very small pane lest someone sees and reports me for thought crimes.
