Thursday, December 03, 2015

Ah Felicia Follum

You sweet, innocent, cute girl you:


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    STEAM is just so STEM money can go to women.

    STEM builds things. STEAM decorates the lobby.

  2. GregMan12:02 PM

    Right, because all those STEM majors didn't learn a thing about problem-solving while taking Physics, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Calculus, but not East-Asian Transgendered Art Forms.

  3. Sorry to disagree with Felicia, but engineering IS problem solving skills.

    And, frankly, I have yet to meet a liberal arts major that thinks problem solving is more than calling a STEM major for help.

  4. Damn, Tek, you took word for word what I was going to say.

    Felicia, such a precious flower. I think I'll put her over here, where she'll be safe from all the pointy reality.

  5. "STEM builds things. STEAM decorates the lobby."

    STEM builds things. STEAM paints those things pink.

  6. Anonymous12:20 AM

    I always found this anecdote amusing, and all the more insightful as time goes on. I'll copy the relevant passage, and include a link to the original source:

    David Hilbert supposedly said of one student who gave up mathematics for poetry -- "Good!, He didn't have enough imagination for mathematics."


    I recommend anyone interested to look into Hilbert's influence of mathematics in the early 20th century and especially on how his 'problems' led to Godel's incompleteness theorem. If you can wrap your head around that (even a little), you'll realize the level these men were playing at. It makes the claims of these petulant 'art' majors claiming that creativity and problem solving are their domain completely absurd. The Dunning-Kruger effect is in full force with these particular art types.

  7. I wouldn't have much of a problem with the idea of a classical liberal arts addendum for STEM majors. The problem is that the arts they want one to take aren't philosophy, or ethics or even history. No, it's about ensuring that no one can escape the clutches of modern grievance studies and denigration of white males. Notice that most Arts major programs don't have a STEM requirement. How one could graduate from university without Calculus, Physics and Chemistry/Biology makes no sense.

  8. Anonymous2:58 PM

    As a Mechanical Engineer I think it would be a disgrace to how hard I've worked to let people who can't do math associate themselves with stem. It's funny how these people never build anything themselves, but they'll co-opt other peoples hard work anytime they get the chance.

    That being said, I would like to see every engineer be forced to learn how to play an instrument or two, learn a fair amount of philosophy, become semi-fluent in another language, and have to take several strength training classes. Even if a person chooses never to use these skills again they'd be better off after learning them, because learning something abstract changes the way you can think. Thus making you better at solving other problems.

    The second and more important reason for making engineers learn all of these other skills is to practice eugenics on humanity. So many engineers I know are married to average looking women with education/lazy degrees, that it's ridiculous. The funny thing is that the ones with masters in education have a tendency to act superior to us lowly bachelor degree holders.

  9. Funny how I found this...a friend posted a little game where you search for your name plus various words and we were looking for super heroes but this popped up...

    It was funny reading the above comments and seeing the assumptions associated with it all. Maybe you would be you would proud of this delicate flower after all (but I'm not going get my hopes up).

    My second major focused on philosophy. I had the second highest grade in my Philosophy of Math and Science class (I was one of three women and one of two non math or science majors). I tested out of my college math courses based on my ACT scores so I was able to take the upper level logic and Philosophy courses for fun. I also took the pre law ethics (philosophy of ethics) course.

    I now run a small art business (and do graphic design and teach among other things), which involves some math.

    I wouldn't change my degrees or the various other opportunities that I've been blessed with.

    This delicate flower is doing alright... thanks for the concern 😉
