Tuesday, March 22, 2016

HR Meets The Millennials

I love it when cunts collide.  It's like Hitler fighting Stalin.  They deserve each other and I can just sit and watch for ages.


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Funny how most of the loudest critics of millennials in the workplace are 50-something middle managers who "can't use excel". I spent a bit of time in a big corporation and some of these guys will literally use a calculator to add numbers in a spreadsheet then get upset when you show them a better way.

    The only upside is that all the bitching will eventually stop when they lose their job to a 20-something who can actually use a computer. And then the cycle starts again...

  2. Hoyos8:48 AM

    There must be different sets of millennialist, because I'm horrified by everything there but the money issue. The only legit beef I have with companies is the flagrant dishonesty I've experienced over compensation up to and including wage fraud. They know the economy is bunk, so they can pay you less, fair enough; it's just the "trust us, we'll make it up on the back end that never arrives" that I can't stand.

    That being said, if I had an interview with the CEO you couldn't keep me from making that on time; what in the hell is wrong with people?

  3. Reading the first anecdote about both job candidates canceling at the last minute because flying from coast to coast was too inconvenient, I wonder if the multi-billion dollar corporation was even footing the bill for travel expenses. I bet they weren't. Also, considering that due to inflation wages have been mostly stagnant since the 70s, I'd be pretty money motivated too. Seeing older boomers put forth the extra effort at work in hopes of getting a raise, being praised for doing so by management, and then being denied raises anyways, kinda kills the motivation to go above and beyond what's in the job description.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Forking ouy $300 for flights plus whatever food and hotels would cost for just the chance of a job is a sucker's game however you look at it. The kid made the right choice in my opinion.

  4. Anything to come out of the mouth of or off of the fingertips of anyone who admits to being associated with "HR" is automatically suspect at best, but usually deserving of being labeled unadulterated bullshit and immediately ignored.

    Then again, anyone who is PROUD of being any part of a corporate organization (as opposed to merely tolerating its politicized, soul-crushing, creativity-killing, incompetent pointlessness for the sake of a necessary paycheck), no matter who they are or what role they play, deserves to suffer.

  5. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I work in a STEM field. I have had to teach fresh college grads how to properly mop a floor.
