Sunday, March 27, 2016

Leftist Teacher Takes in Muslim Refugee

And then murder hilarity ensues!



  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    A message of peace to all those who were forced to be baptized under the name of islam or any other religion: I understand that it is not your fault to be born under islam, just like it is not my fault to be born under any other religion. But I did not accept the status quo, I've read history and religion and evolutionary biology and found out the truth. I condemn all religions for their barbaric beliefs and rituals they promote, not only islam. So if you were born a muslim and are reading this message, understand I (and we) have nothing against you. The only law I want everyone to know is that if a man and a woman are not able to raise their kids through their own income but steal public money, those children are called bastards, and in the animal world, bastards are killed. Unwanted children are not welcome in this world by anyone. Would you like to bear the cost of the other people's children otherwise ?

  2. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I'd like to say I'm surprised by this.....but that would be a lie.

  3. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Connect the dots here. The professor was 55, unmarried, and brought a male refugee into his home. He was likely a lonely homosexual who was angling for sex with what he though was a destitute refugee. The situation backfired badly.

    It could be that one was Sunni, the other was Shia. That could certainly cause Muzzies to kill each other. However, my original analysis is likely closer to the truth.

  4. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Ooh Mr. Anonymous such a tough man behind the keyboard.

  5. Anonymous4:52 AM

    @ Anonymous, while I don't support the welfare state and not exactly crazy about Islam, we're still human beings not animals.

  6. Take The Red Pill8:53 AM

    Another Leftist nitwit "educated beyond their intelligence" encounters one of the oversensitive, psychotic followers of "the peaceful religion of Islam". (It's not any different than the Leftist European women who spend their lives disrespecting and criminalizing their own men, and then welcome these uncivilized savages 'who demand respect' -- and are so completely surprised when these REAL misogynists do REAL sexual crimes and rapes to them.)
    It's just 'evolution in action'; exit, one 'educated idiot'.

  7. faithless cynic2:03 PM

    Frog, meet scorpion.
