Thursday, March 17, 2016

Leprechaun Economist Explains (again) Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism


  1. Marshallaw4:19 PM

    Free hat.... you just made my St. Patrick day.... and I'm in Ireland.....

  2. sth_txs6:29 PM

    Plenty of 'conservatives' are socialist; I've yet to meet one that think we should abolish public schools. You can't wail against Bernie and then tell me I have to pay for your bastard spawn to become educated.

    Plenty of conservatives with no clue about why a free market in money is better than a corrupt central bank, so we don't have capitalism there either.

    Leftist are the worst scum though. I've yet to find any that would use their own money or resources to create an utopia community voluntarily with their own money.

  3. Every single college kids should be forced to memorize this video. Awesome voices and all.

  4. sth_txs7:42 AM

    A bit off topic, but I thought you would get some joy out of this article.

  5. JK Brown5:42 PM

    And what we have now is not capitalism, but Interventionism, which academia completely ignores lest people wake up.

    "Finally, we still have to speak of interventionism. According to a widespread opinion, there is, midway between socialism and capitalism, a third possibility of social organization: the system of private property regulated, controlled, and guided by isolated authoritarian decrees (acts of intervention)."

    Mises, Ludwig von (2010-12-10). Liberalism (p. 63). Ludwig von Mises Institute. Kindle Edition.

    As for learning of Marxism, I recommend Mises 'Marxism Unmasked'. It is a series of lectures from 1952. He points out a lot of the inconsistencies of Marx which only come out if you read most of what Marx wrote, not just his famous works.

  6. Take The Red Pill8:20 AM

    "...the system of private property regulated, controlled, and guided by isolated authoritarian decrees (acts of intervention)."

    I thought that system was known as "fascism"?
