Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Remember, Free Redhead...

with every purchase!

Also, just finished making edits and correcting typos in the book.  The "revised" version (with the whopping 4 legitimate typos corrected) should be already uploaded and available for sale.


  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Hey it is a good book.
    You missed the other way out: marry a woman who thinks you are a genius, and keep her barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.
    Apparently women with four kids plus are more content.

    You will have to subvert the educational system. But, given the midwits who run it, that is fairly trivial.

  2. Cappy,

    If you're ever concerned about typos in your book(s), I'd be happy to send corrections on an advance copy of any of your work, pro bono :)

  3. Free as in available? I have grave doubts.

  4. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Hey Cap, which IQ test do recommend? I scored pretty good on a few free internet tests, and now I'd like a more official score that I can point to.

  5. Promises, promises.

  6. Anonymous1:33 AM

    If you are smart enough to work out the psychometrics of IQ tests you probably don't need one.

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Just saw this, via althouse:
