Thursday, April 28, 2016

Club Vasectomy

Join it before it's too late!


  1. I'm a member!

    Well, my member is a member.

    Or something like that.

  2. Unfortunately for this particular father Club Vas was not available. However we should take up a collection to have said son clipped so he does not procreate.

  3. In Western society, it is financial insanity to have children.

  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Maybe, just maybe, there actually is a bit of man's fault if he grew his own son to be a retard unable to provide for himself at that age with that litereature degree.

  5. Just about everywhere I look I see women either pregnant or pushing baby strollers around.
    For whatever reason societies have this obsession with reproducing.
    So ...what incentives are the husbands/boyfriends going to have in a social climate like ours?

  6. I'll join AFTER I find a decent woman and produce a few kids. I've not given up on civilization yet. If I had, I wouldn't be following you, Cap. I'd have simply gone and blown my brains out.

  7. The future belongs to those who show up.

  8. Anonymous12:41 AM

    To be fair, junior was probably poisoned by exwife to sting the father for as long as possible.
    The son'll get his when he can't get a woman or his own child does the same thing to him.

  9. Anonymous6:34 AM

    " .. before it's too late."

    Well, it's too late for me, and you know what? I don't mind.

  10. leeholsen11:07 AM

    I am not joining. Although I predict the future of the usa will be an european-socialist type country with the associated tax rates; I also figure that with islam in the process of making the entire European continent a hellhole; that there's going to be a whole lot of European women looking to leave and would love to live with some American guy, especially a veteran with a lot of guns and will be quite content to be a good housewife over being raped by the local muslim in her home country. the imfamous Russian brides are about to get a lot of competition imo.
