Saturday, April 16, 2016

Mini Justin Trudeau

He's young.
He's handsome.
He promises to pay for every thing.
And that's enough to cinch the vag-tingle-vote.


  1. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Oh good free tuition will boost enrolment... Which will mean we need more teachers, facilities, etc. Will that be free too?

  2. Work less, get (steal) more. What great ethics.

    Want to see 'socialism in a picture'??

  3. Anonymous4:07 AM

    His province may very well be the first to go bankrupt.

  4. capy reader6:49 AM

    To really seal the deal, all he needs to do is require 50% representation of women in his Cabinet office, and explain that this is "because it's [insert current year]" just like Mr Trudeau. That really gets the femmie gina tingles going (you should see my FB when that happened in November...)

    Here's why that's a retarded rationale though, see here:

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    He's also the Premier of a province that voted exclusively for Turdeau.

  6. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Newest political weapon of the left... Young, good looking politicians that give stuff away. The ultimate substitute provider!

  7. He is even suggesting govt pay for assisted suicide. So long as its Liberals... I am ok with that.

  8. More Maritime Welfare state mentality. Compared with New England, Atlantic Canada is a backwater living on the largess of the more prosperous provinces. The trouble is the oil profits have sunk to new lows and Ontario is a sink hole of liberal debt. Welcoming those students to universities is just a delusion and what pray tell will the illiterate 'Syrians' do upon arrival.
