Thursday, April 21, 2016

The "White Privilege Conference" Shit Show

Bunch of white people who hate themselves.


  1. That was freaking hilarious. All they needed was for Jim Jones to be there, running a Kool-aid stand.

  2. Definition of a liberal:
    Someone who is so open minded, they refuse to take their own side in an argument.

    Point demonstrated.

  3. At this level of self loathing (or self-delusion, you pick) I would expect more suicides.

  4. Thing is if they have the free time and money to show up at this farce, then they are privileged. So they ought to turn themselves in, quit their institutions and die an inglorious death on some mountain top gazing at their navel.

  5. Har! They're going to have to pry my White Privilege out of my cold dead fingers.
