Sunday, May 08, 2016

May is Worthless Degree Awareness Month!

Prevent loved ones from ruining their lives by ensuring they DON'T major in worthless subjects! 


  1. Prevent loved ones from ruining their lives by ensuring they DON'T major in worthless subjects!

    Perhaps an extension of this should be "if you're not academically competent enough to pursue a worthwhile major, don't go to college at all. Learn a trade or find some line of work at which you can hone your skills via OJT."

  2. Parents: get this book for your kids. My son was just starting high school, he was big on computers, so I thought, "Okay, all is well." Then one day, he came home and said, "Dad, I think I want to be an entomologist."

    Once he resuscitated me, I gave him a copy of Worthless, and he read it, and came up to me and said, "Okay, IT it is." Now he builds gaming PCs for his friends, can handle HTML and CSS, and his big project for his programming class is to build a web crawler to scrape data that he can use for visualization. He has a great list of schools he's considering for college.

  3. You realize you could have converted that book into a bumper sticker --

    "If the job involves Maths, its worth pursuing."

  4. Fascinating idea. I wish it would become more wide spread.

  5. Hrw-5005:37 AM

    I guess the case of Trigglypuff is a warning tale to avoid studying a worthless degree.

  6. Anonymous1:15 PM

    FACEBOOK IS LEFTIST. Thats why I dont have an account.
