Thursday, June 23, 2016

Congratulations to the Brits Who Voted for Brexit!

And fuck the 49% of you who voted against your own country's sovereignty you traitorous fucks:


  1. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Land of hope and glory

    Apparently it was a shock result go figure who would have thought people had had enough and wanted britian back

    And all those experts how could they get it so wrong

  2. Don't worry, Britain.

    We Canucks gave you wheat during WWII, and we won't let you starve now that, once again, you are the lone man standing.

    Congratulations on still having some balls!

    Long live the Common-Wealth!

  3. Common sense12:56 AM

    Sure. If it breaks your currency and makes the soviets happy, it must be a great thing to do. Also it might as well break the UK and make the Scots and Northern Irish leave. It´s going to be fun to watch how they gonna square the circle on why they shouldn´t allow another referendum on Scotch independence.
    Ironically, EU might in fact benefit from it (one should hope), if it hears this as a wake-up call and stops fucking around and gets to focus on important things.

  4. Congratulations to the Motherland! May the USA learn and follow your example this fine day! Perhaps our Lord God Almighty in heaven hath stayed His wroth, and once again forgive and bless our lands!

    Would that mr obama and Future President Trump learn from Mr Cameron's well delivered speech. Would that both learn from both the content and style of his presentation. Two months from 23 June 2016...a new "BUD" (Beyond Use Date) :)

    As for the markets...what a great day to BUY, BUY, BUY! Keep the faith, GREAT JOB UK!!!

  5. I am one proud Brit this morning.

  6. Anonymous5:03 AM

    90 % original brits internally happy , sigh of relief , economy to to boom too ! Happy DAYS. GOOD. :::

  7. Thanks Cap. The British have kicked off the liberation of Europe. The first domino has been pushed, let's sit back and watch them fall. We're getting Europe back... it's up to Trump to sort the western flank out now.

  8. leeholsen7:52 AM

    I am so jealous of england !

    It's still a socialistic basketcase, but it has one advantage; people have to get on a boat to get to it.

    IMO, the usa will go the way of rome because there is no way to stop the stream of 3rd worlder's from primarily socialist countries turning the usa more socialist every day; but england can isolate itself and survive.

  9. Anonymous8:17 AM

    You will be pleased by Putin's response on the Brexit results.

    1) No one wants to support weak economies.

    2) The immigration crisis is a security threat that Britons want to stop.

    Putin's own words on RT.

  10. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I think the Brexit will make the world economy stronger and that the market dip will be short lived.

    This is not the end of the world like most journalists make it out to be.

  11. Thanks cap, it's been a liberating day. Feels like a massive weight has been lifted off of me, but WAY too close for comfort. Still got to wait for article 50 to be enacted though, so it's not completely over yet.

  12. Mark Matis12:21 PM

    I love people with a flair for understatement.
    Figuratively, of course...

    Now if only they can find some leaders who truly believe in the UK as an independent nation state...

  13. It is actually awesome to see my ancestral homeland grow a pair. Makes be proud to be mostly English and Welsh.

  14. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "To be bigoted & argue with others, is to subject one's essence of mind to the bitterness of mundane existence."

  15. Considering how the vote results broke down along national lines, with Scotland voting Remain while England voting Exit, and how Scots now are agityating for a new referendum to get the result they want, I think it's high time to hold a new referendum on Scottish independence.

    Except this time, for the English to vote on whether to expel them. Then a free Scotland can vote for EU membership.

    I used to think of the Scots as the wild untameable Celts like the Irish. I guess the Scottish Reformation and the Clearing of the Highlands changer them into the Eloi of the book Time Machine after all. "Give me my dole, or give me death!" To quote the polar opposite of William Wallace: "Brussels!"
