Friday, July 08, 2016

Dear SJW's, Thick Rimmed Glasses Don't Make You Smart


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Is this signal dilution? I have seen products and fashion that used to predict a person's status, clique, or whatever.
    Then too many of the "wrong" people get such things. What are some signals that are hard to fake, especially concerning intelligence?

  2. That was funny because there is an element of truth to it. BUT, the myth that smart people wear glasses has been around since glasses where invented. It was thought that reading weakened the eyes, so people who spent too much time reading were smart and needed glasses. Thick rimmed glasses were in fashion when I was a kid 40 years ago and I hated them My twelve year old son has been cursed with my bad genes in the eyesight department and we were looking for new glasses for him. All the frames available are thick rimmed. I like "memory wire" frames (they are indestructible, comfortable and I could dance a jig while standing on my head and they would stay in place) and the optometrist is trying to locate a pair for me because no one stocks them any more.)

    Glasses are more of a fashion thing than they were because if you don't like them you can always use contacts or get corrective surgery which weren't an option in the past. When I was younger I wore contacts but can't be bothered any more, partly because I to wear safety glasses at work all day anyway.

  3. Think glasses don't add "smart," that's for sure. However, on the faces of SJW women they magnify UGLINESS (physical and spiritual), by a factor of a thousand!

  4. Lol you see them everywhere trying to look geeky! When in really some barely know how to turn on a computerlol

  5. One theory I've heard is that there is gene, at least in Jews, which adds IQ points but sacrifices good eyesight as a result, hence the stereotype.
