Friday, July 01, 2016

Former Billionairess, Now Millionairess Because "Horses"

Women and their fucking horses, man.

Women and their fucking horses.


  1. Sounds like 'Doda' is the real horse that rode her to millionaire status.

  2. Anonymous9:50 PM

    "A cunt and her money will soon part"

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Equestrian sports are not the same as "horses". People in the know love horses, because they are used to breed mules which do all the real work. Upper class twits jumping around on oversized toothpick legged status symbols are wasting their money, no doubt. Ranchers actually still use horses (and mules and hinnies) to do real, honest work. They can be an investment, just don't expect everyone to realize that.

  4. Anonymous7:19 PM

    On a related note, I did a quick search and see that her husband was 32 when they married and she was 20. Such naivete. Probably thought she was on his level. 'Wowed' by the dudes horse riding lol. Look where it got her. Got him a nice jackpot though, I suppose.
