Friday, July 29, 2016

Ghostbusters Officially a Flop

What I love about the left is how they jam and force the feminist Ghostbusters down our throats, and the second it started to show signs it was going to be a flop, ANY criticism was countered with "geez, get over it, it's just a movie, how sad are you."

No, terribly sorry leftist cunts.  You forced this issue and now we're going to stay on it until it's ran its full cycle...which it has.

The movie that cost $150 million to make and roughly another $150 million to advertise has officially brought in....

Which means since it can't even cover it's production costs this late in the game, we can officially call it a "flop." 

I'm not going to delve back into the political/social analysis of this movie since it's been done to death, but I will point out to Hollywood and Sony that this is what you get when you try to pass on an obvious political agenda as entertainment.  Perhaps you can wait another 10 years to try this stint again after Overton's Window has moved a bit more to the left and try again.  Who knows maybe an "all female Hogan's Heroes!"  But they're gay, and pansexual, and all have bi-polar or social anxiety disorder.


  1. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Apparently, they already stated their intentions to make a sequel regardless of how much this one makes.

    *Leftists always double down*

  2. "Who knows maybe an "all female Hogan's Heroes!" But they're gay, and pansexual, and all have bi-polar or social anxiety disorder."

    Man, that sounds fucking hilarious - and would be, if made by a halfway competent non SJW director.

  3. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Your correct the left never let's anything go. They will take a topic or issue and beat on it for years. Beat on it forever. They want everyone to feel shame, guilt and for everyone to be miserable just like themselves. F U leftist.

  4. They're rebooting The Rocketeer with a black, female, fighter jet pilot as the protagonist. Presumably she has to fight against an evil, white male.

  5. I'd like to hear any critical comments on $150m production plus $150m advertising. Can movie studio budget number be believed? They have every reason to exaggerate them and none to keep them modest or accurate.

  6. leeholsen10:33 AM

    That is awesome news.

    Even in Obama's and Hillary's America that we have become, the marketplace is usually still reliable to know when someone wants them to buy crap.

    And some respect given to the Harold Ramis, who imo; was a legend. in addition to the original, his also did caddyshack and had a hand in meatballs and I would like to use the line of meatballs in his memory to where we are now.

    Even if Trump wins and seals the border on January 18, 2017 and kicks out evry muslim that can't recite the books of the bible,"It just doesn't matter, It just doesn't matter, It just doesn't matter !". Might as well "Enjoy the Decline".

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    So future readers can see how it stacked up:

    ... but are you so sure it can't, eventually, make its money back? I'd be happy to see the thing flop too - ugly women, too self-conscious humor - but I don't like to declare victory and have to withdraw.

  8. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Oh, but wait, Cappy! Anything boys can do, girls can do and better, right? (Sarcasm off, slapping head) The first two Ghostbusters films made money, and the cartoon ran for five years. So much for that idea.

    Can't wait for Paul Funnyboy's next meltdown. It should be entertaining to say the least.

  9. Hey, just another $100 million dollars and it'll be in Pixels territory! Ha!

  10. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Waiting for the black female, pansexual, second reboot of Conan the Barbarian.

  11. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I'm waiting for the remake of Citizen Kane, with Kane cast as a bi-curious furry played by Rosie O'Donnell.

    What a fucked up mess for captcha, ten fucking tries with no valid answers.

  12. I'd like to hear any critical comments on $150m production plus $150m advertising. Can movie studio budget number be believed? They have every reason to exaggerate them and none to keep them modest or accurate.

    Can you imagine being a Sony stockholder and being told "yes, we lost your money on this 'Ghostbusters' turkey, but that's too fucking bad. We have a message to send, and goddammit, we're going to send it, again, nd Again, and AGAIN, as often as need be sent, no matter how much more of your fucking money we have to lose in the process!"

    That's essentially what Sony will be telling its shareholders if it announces a sequel to this shitpile. I do hope the value of its stock "corrects" accordingly.

  13. Aurini: He'll be physically unattractive but have lots of ill-gotten power.

  14. sth_txs11:17 AM

    What! No cross dressing black lesbian shemale tranny either? These PC guys are not getting creative enough.

    Maybe a better combination of genders would have helped?

  15. Box office mojo makes it look even worse;
    7. Turdflushers: Total gross: $106,171,471 - Budget 144m
    The flick I was expecting to curbstomp Turdflushers didn't;
    2. Star Trek: Beyond: Total gross: $105,720,378 - Budget 185m
    Looks like they'll both, ahem, ''underperform''.

  16. Post Alley Crackpot1:24 PM

    Yes, but in the remake, Hogan's group will be played by German feminists while the Germans are played by the descendants of World War II veterans.

    None of "the underground" will consist of hot looking chicks.

    Eventually you'll realise you're sympathetic to one character who, despite all odds, sees the entire proceedings as risible and worthy of contempt ...

    Eventually you'll find yourself on Major Hochstetter's side and rooting for him instead, even if the Gestapo is evil, simply because he has the power to end the charade.

    Hochstetter inevitably has the last word ...


  17. Exciting news! They finally broke $150M.

    Unfortunately, Feig apparently claimed it needs $500M to turn profit after marketing and what-have-you. So, still a long way to go with little evidence they'll ever get there.
