Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hollywood Doubles Down on "Feminist Ocean's 8"

In an increasing amount of empirical evidence that Hollywood has a political agenda and presumably no longer cares about profits, it seems they're going to ignore the flop known as "Affirmative Action Ghostbusters" and force another feminist lecture down your throat - Feminist Ocean's 11.

Of course it's called Ocean's 8, but there's nothing new here.

I mean, REALLY nothing knew.

They're plagiarizing a movie that plagiarized another one.  And in more ways than one.  They are simply taking a movie from the 60's, that was a remake in the 90's, and copy-cating the (oh so clever move) of replacing the entire male cast with women.  Dang those creative crafty Hollywood types!  How do they do it???

I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said about Affirmative Action Ghostbusters.

1.  Hollywood is plum out of ideas if the best they can come up with is "Take 40 year old movie + Women."
2.  It's plagiarism
3.  It's forcing gender roles that don't work and nobody likes
4.  It's the antithesis of feminism if you merely do what men did 30 years later
5.  There's no originality
6.  It's an admission of defeat that women can only repeat what men do, but can manage nothing original on their own.
7.  It's forcing a political sermon on people who don't want it.
8.  It's mixing fun with politics.

I really don't care if Hollywood wants to make the next 100 movies all female casts.  It's their and the shareholders' money.  But the fact they're pushing forward with this in light of the spectacular failure Feminist Ghostbusters was, suggests to me the higher ups in Hollywood view some of the movies they make as nothing more than CSR expenses to virtue signal and (vainly) try to capitalize on the naivety of women.

I wish you all in Hollywood good luck and look forward to the all-female cast remake of The Great Escape.

Super Cappy rant on YouTube here.


  1. The Sage3:04 PM

    When the Japanese latch onto something and turn every character into cute girls, it works (see e.g. Strike Witches). Hollywood, alas, isn't allowed to do cute.

  2. Next up, an all-female cast version of Yeshua and his twelve talmidim.

  3. Wilbur Hassenfus4:13 PM

    "Antithesis"? No, affirmative action and feebly imitating men is the heart and soul of feminism.

    If they wanted to do stuff they're actually good at, what the hell would they need feminism for?! Nothing.

  4. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Another chick flick in a genre that appeals mostly to males and another ripoff of an original. No surprise if this one bombs like Girlbusters.

    1. "Who ya gonna call?"

      Weight watchers.

  5. Most of the movies I watch are 100% woman cast.

    Well, I think they are 100% female cast, but I am only watching them in 5-10 minute sittings.

  6. Hollywood producers actually should ask themselves if the movie "Suckerpunch" would work with the gender roles reversed?

  7. The best part is that the money pissed away on these pictures didn't go to Clinton's campaign...

  8. Oh great. Another movie I won't see. I won't see SJW Ghost Busters and I won't see SJW Oceans 8. In fact I plan on not seeing them both at the same time.

  9. Bubba8:22 PM

    Well in a few years Hollywood will recycle it with an all-black cast. Then a few years later some Muslims in hijab. Whatever the new black is... Zzzzzz....

  10. PeppermintPanda9:12 PM

    For the most part, I don't care who stars in a movie, I only care whether a movie is entertaining.

    The "risk" with agenda driven movies is that they focus on the agenda more than the quality, and you end up with a mediocre or worse movie.

  11. You may have heard rumors that there'll be a new Star Trek TV series - well it's true.
    And just from that article, it looks like it's going to be bad, real bad. Accurate quote from the article, I swear:
    ''On how much Star Trek will push the content envelope since it won’t be constrained by broadcast standards: “Well there’s a reason we call it S.T.D.,” he said, mocking the show’s initials.''
    The series title (at this writing) is Star Trek Discovery.
    $5 says ''it's gonna be worse than Voyager''.

  12. I almost want to do a movie like this, but then spike it through with red pill stuff, so when Trigglypuff and company go and watch it they have a seizure.

  13. This one might play out a bit differently than Girlbusters. The cast list is pretty high-end, for one thing, which might on its own overcome some of the rest. Most of "the rest" is summed up in it being an obvious Me Too movie, which rarely goes well. On the other hand, it's not a remake but a spinoff - odds are it'll include characters from the Clooney edition (the rat pack being pretty much dead), which will give it legitimacy in the eyes of quite a few. If they include Sandra Bullock, who got more screen time than maybe 8 of the 11 in the title, it'll be a full-on sequel.

    Sequels don't always go well. See the interminable Batman series. And the obvious girlification of a by-definition male movie is risky as hell no matter how much money they throw at it.

    Consider what joseph fisher said. Totally valid.

    If they can manage to avoid any agenda in the script, I give it a 20% chance of reasonable financial success. 3% if furtive Grrl Pwr references are made throughout. If it's totally overt, it's tomatoes away!

    My guess: very expensive loss.

  14. Mark Matis8:31 AM

    Don't forget that they will also recycle with all homosexuals as well, Bubba. Of course, that might not be so bad if the homosexuals were lebanese. As long as they didn't look like REAL lebanese...

  15. Webley Silvernail9:42 AM

    Gee, Cappy Cap, such negativity! And here I was so looking forward to the all-female remakes of Kelly's Heroines, Butch Cassidy and the SunDance Lesbian Kid, Dirty Harriet, and even such ancient classics as Thomasina Sawyer and Halle Berry Finn.

  16. Misogynists will be blamed...again...for its failure.

  17. Not to mention a new Star Trek whose whole plot was based around Hillary's "Stronger Together" campaign slogan. What's even worse, they made The Federation fascist:

    "You can nae break a stick when it's in a bundle" - Fascist Scotty.

    The movie really sucked, BTW.

  18. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I really couldnt care less. I just wont watch the movie like I wont ever watch Ghostbusters.

  19. The free market will have its say. If the movie is entertaining, it will make money. If it is not, it will lose money. That is the good thing about capitalism, it doesn't care what gender you are.

  20. Anonymous12:20 AM

    They should re-do J-Lo's "Enough" with a husband who gets wailed on by his abusive wife, but then the husband trains and learns to fight and comes back and gives his abusive wife a beatdown.Hurray! Empowerment!

    Or a Thelma and Louise reversal. Two guys named Tom and Lou drive around and fuck over women for no apparent reason other than their inherent badness for being female.

    What? No buyers?

  21. It could work if they're young and pretty and show some skin, but women went to Oceans for Clooney, most guys I know aren't going to see a movie just because there's a particular actress in it. We've got different motivations.
    I'd rather watch the all white remake of the Colour Purple with Nicholas Cage.
    Besides it being a bad idea to reboot now, the series had maxed out at Oceans 13.

  22. favill6:36 PM

    I want to see "300" with an all-woman cast. They'd have to wear the same armour the Spartans wore in the movie...and artistic license would have the Persians beating them in the end but instead of killing all of them the "Spartans" become sex slaves....

  23. These remake ideas are great (and just the tip of the hilarious iceberg) but now I really want to see favill's 300.
