Thursday, August 25, 2016

Margaret Cho: The Gen X Millennial

This won't be a long one, but one that should be noted.

Margaret Cho, if you didn't know, is a "comedian."  Those air quotes are the largest ones I could order from China, but they are currently building aircraft carrier-size ones that they will ship to me once completed.  Regardless, the only reason I know of her was a friend of mine, who was gay, said I just "had to see her."  So I watched about 10 minutes of a video and had to turn it off when she did a "comedy" skit about eating pussy.

This was about 15 years ago, and I distinctly remember two things about her:

1.  She is NOT funny.
2.  Much like Amy Schumer is today, she was championed by the pacifier sucking Gen-X at the time as a female comedic genius.

And then she went away.

Perhaps she "went away" much like Saturday Night Live "went away" in my life, because it was only funny to sophomoric 7th graders.  ie - it still exists, but you either grow up, or realize it just isn't that funny.  Perhaps her career stalled and people had their fill of "eating pussy jokes."  But whatever the case, Margaret Cho, in all of her media-hyped "comedy" was no longer at the forefront.

Which brings us to today.  For while perusing my facebook, the Talented Mr. Aurini sent me this:

Let me explain something to the young Millennial women, or perhaps even the Gen X women that think Margaret Cho is anything of intellectual value.

This is a now-approaching 50 year old woman.  And this is what she's doing.

Let that sink in.

This isn't a 14 year old girl pulling a prank.
This isn't a 24 year old college student protesting something or other.

This is a 67%-life-over woman who's legacy she is choosing to leave is wearing a full-body sweater penis.

If you can't see that Margaret Cho's life's purpose has simply been to serve as a warning for others, then I can't help you.  And if you're of the leftist variety to think this is some how "cool" or "edgy" and you're "sticking it to the man," your entire life will be a waste.  But if you're a younger woman, who still has her beauty, and still deep down inside would like to get married, have a family, and a shot at a traditional life, you cannot listen to these leftist, Hollywood, viruses.  This is where their path leads.  This is where you will end up.  Choose your path wisely and enjoy the decline.


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    "This is a 67%-life-over woman..."

    This is also a 99%-fertile value-over woman. Her perimenopause has her wishing she had a penis.

  2. She a child sexual abuse survivor. This is textbook borderline personality disorder behaviour. Tragic, not blameworthy, but also nothing that can be done about it.

  3. If you can't see that Margaret Cho's life's purpose has simply been to serve as a warning for others, then I can't help you. And if you're of the leftist variety to think this is some how "cool" or "edgy" and you're "sticking it to the man," your entire life will be a waste. But if you're a younger woman, who still has her beauty, and still deep down inside would like to get married, have a family, and a shot at a traditional life, you cannot listen to these leftist, Hollywood, viruses. This is where their path leads. This is where you will end up. Choose your path wisely and enjoy the decline.

    Grand slam, dude!

    Words of wisdom, my friend.

  4. Uh, that's from a music video she appeared in and it was probably pretty old when I first saw it a few years ago. . . I think the blonde was the actual singer and the video was of her and Cho running around the city in their jammies.

  5. I never thought she was funny or attractive.

  6. Oh, it's far worse than just wearing cock sweaters. I've heard her on podcasts discussing how she frequents porn/sex parties & how her vagina is for her husband, but her anus is for sharing with other men.

  7. greenlander8:59 PM

    The only things I remember her about her were
    1. She's not funny
    2. How did an Asian chick get so fat? Aren't Asian chicks supposed to be thin?

  8. show no cho7:05 AM

    @boxty woot:

    according to this link, it's only a year old:

  9. DrTorch2:43 PM

    After NBC had a big hit w/ "Cosby", ABC went all in w/ hiring stand up comedians and putting them in sit coms. It worked w/ Roseanne, and eventually Home Improvement, but there were several failures. Drew Carey had a miss his first time out, and Margaret Cho had a go at it.

    Cho's lasted 2-3 episodes. Not seasons, episodes. It was terrible. Stale jokes, crude situations, stereotype characters. In short it was mindless, all based on Cho's stand up routines.

    She only gets air time b/c she's token.

  10. I've heard her on podcasts discussing how she frequents porn/sex parties & how her vagina is for her husband, but her anus is for sharing with other men.

    "Husband?" I always thought she was a lesbian ...

  11. Joe Bar12:34 PM

    That woman(?) has more tattoos than the entire Oakland Raiders team.

  12. Take The Red Pill9:07 AM

    I remember a manosphere blogger from years ago writing, "If modern women cannot be good examples, then they must serve as dire warnings." Margaret Cho is a perfect example of a 'dire warning' to women if they follow her (or any feminist's) life path. She deserves a lonely future filled with antidepressants, boxed wine, and lots of cats.

  13. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Give the poor cats a break. They deserve a better fate. Living with a feminist would have to be considered animal cruelty.
