Thursday, August 18, 2016

Men Pay More In Taxes

Men pay egregiously more in taxes, resulting in a tax gap.  I would also be curious to know if we collect less in government money.  Wait, never mind, I already know.


  1. man, I feel weird never having that cross my mind. Probably too short of age and experience ;)

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Poor wimminz. Even women agents have more respect for a male author.

  3. leeholsen8:08 AM

    Wow !

    I hadn't even thought of that. I did rough math myself and figured, in addition to the living expenses; getting married, having two kids and of course eventually getting divorced(which you have to assume just based on marriage statistics) and paying for educating the kids and the wife taking 1/2 in the divorce should cost the average man that has a decent job around 750K. I'm sorry, but imo; it is cheaper just to go to vegas whenever the urge strikes you and get a high class hooker.
    If women where naturally hairy and had unattractive bodies like men, they'd never enjoy the free rides they do.

  4. Taxes are never paid, they are taken.

  5. Anonymous8:44 PM

    I had suspected this but not to this great extent. A side effect of the so called pay gap myth is all those men chasing overtime, bonuses and working dangerous jobs with good rates of pay will pay more in tax under progressive taxation schemes. It amazes me that men pay so much tax for so many decades.
