Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Reconnaissance Man Is Meant for 20 Somethings

Glorious Karl of Glorious Hat fame did a review of my latest book "Reconnaissance Man."

However, I did want to dispel some myths about the book, namely who this book is written for.  The most common complaint I get about my books is that they're of no use to people 50 or older.  And...well...yeah, I can't really help you when your life is 70% done and all major decisions have been made.  However, this book is not for high school, or even college aged kids only as people seem to think it is.  It's for anybody who is wandering around the desert,clueless about what they want to do, and are contemplating or kicking around either attending or returning to college.  Ergo, the target age was 18-35, with kids "ideally" picking up the book at 14.

Regardless, the whole point of the book is to make sure you either choose the right path the first time, OR, leave the wrong path you're on now and quickly identify the right one, easily saving you 10 years of your life, perhaps even 20.  Yes, it is for kids about to enter college, but it's for anybody who is either stuck, listless, or directionless in life and cannot see any other way out.  This book shows you that out.


  1. "This books shows you that out"...You wrote a whole book on the s&w plan?!?! Jk. Great read!

  2. Tubby McG8:23 AM

    14 is probably right. I am currently in Denver, dropping my 22 year old pussy of a son off to live with his 30 year old cousin. He wants to get into UC Denver's "sound engineering" program, so he can start his post college career as an intern. His cousin is a focused, hard working, hard playing engineer who thinks he can turn the boy into a man. I don't think it will end up well.

  3. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Iconic Peak will have a name change:

  4. Post Alley Crackpot10:58 PM

    That's nice, but ...

    You don't pick your readers -- your readers pick you.

    If you aren't even remotely relevant to their interests, they won't bother, which means that despite your best of intentions when it comes to writing for a specific audience, you are getting readers you made no plans for at all.

    There is an opportunity here for improving the size of your audience.

  5. I'm a 50yo burned out old SOB, and I really enjoy CC's writings. Even at my crusty and bitter old age, there's much wisdom in his words... I think there's probably even 60+yo bastards who are still trying to figure shit out. Remember, just because you happen to be an old fucker like myself doesn't mean you've got shit figured out !
