Monday, October 17, 2016

Millennials - The Dipshit Generation

It's a real hard toss up who to hate more.  The baby boomers or the millennials.


  1. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Why limit your hatred to those 2? I think there are other generations deserving scorn. Tom Brokaw's phoney "greatest generation" just fought foreign powers that were hostile, but did nothing against the likes of Roosevelt, Prescott Bush, and the judges that passed Wickard v. Filburn. Another would be the generation that fought WW1. Same kind of thing; did nothing really to stop the 16th admendment nor the establishment of the Fed. Also deserving of Hellfire are those that let the vile satanic Prussian virus of compulsory education take root in these United States (according to Wikipedia it first took hold in the commonwealth of Taxachusettes).

  2. What most Communist loving Useful Idiots forget is that when people like Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc, came to power, their first order of business was to purge the Useful Idiots.

  3. Anonymous6:37 AM

    But Captain, I get my news from the Daily Show and NPR! They wouldn't lie to meeee!!

  4. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Well, the title of the article pretty much decides it for me...

  5. Funny how they go batshit crazy over Hitler and the holocaust, yet completely ignore the almost 100 million people Stalin and Lenin killed, or the 270 million people killed by Islam during its last Caliphate.
    Apparently only Hitler is pure evil...

    1. They're too stupid to even know who Stalin is and if you mention Lenin....they go "Dude,...i love The Beatles"

  6. Probably more pity than hate.

    But one has to wonder -- is it better to vote for an honest communist than a dishonest democracy supporter? This election I kind of that way....
