Tuesday, October 25, 2016

You're an Idiot for Attending Temple Univeristy

Forget whether these attacks are racially motivated or not, just drive up and down Broad street and you'll see the school is situated right in the dirtiest ghetto you've ever been in.

You are a fool for attending Temple University.
You are failing as a parent for letting them go there.


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    “I need her to be more cognizant and less trusting,” he said. “I need her to not take the subway and to drive her car. I absolutely want her to be in business school at Temple, she’s doing very well. She just has to be more aware and not do certain things and change her patterns."
    Now imagine if it the races were reversed...would there be this "victim blaming" still? SMH

  2. If black college grads can't kick start even a viable micro-economy in the middle of a black community, who can?

  3. Just remove the word "Temple" from the title of this post. That's the REAL message ...

  4. The father of a Temple University sophomore who was beaten by a roving teen mob last week said people...
    There's your key word: ''teen'' (African).

  5. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Having lived in Filthadelphia for 2 years (I'd like to have those 2 years back....), Temple University is in a super shithole part of Filthy. Most of those "protesters" are paid by Soros at $7/hour. That's what a worthless degree will get ya. Of course almost all of Filthy is a shithole. You can throw in Baltimore, Detroit, Chiraq, and many other 4th world U.S. cities and states as shitholes. I laugh when people say we live in a 1st world country... Nope, we have our shitholes, and get out to visit them? You may or may not survive your shithole tour....

  6. Nothing to see here, move along...

    Q: Oh wait, where are any Black victims of this supposedly equal opportunity gang?
    A: Still nothing to see here.

  7. They would have been alright if they had gone straight home in their I-roc z28 right after seeing the Rocky movie.

  8. Faithless Cynic9:54 PM

    Filthydelphia - Where God would insert the celestial enema nozzle, IF 1) There is a God 2) Assuming God exists, he/she/it has a sense of justice.

  9. Filthydelphia - Where God would insert the celestial enema nozzle,

    I think Baltimore is a more deserving candidate for that honor.

  10. I laugh when people say we live in a 1st world country... Nope, we have our shitholes, and get out to visit them? You may or may not survive your shithole tour....

    Hmmmm, now THERE'S an entrepreneurial inspiration: "ShitHole Tours USA," a fleet of double-decker armored tour buses giving all-day guided tours of the bowels of Amerika's rotting, war-zone inner cities. Imagine the revenue from foreign tourists ...

  11. Anonymous6:17 AM

    As a Pennsylvanian, I am embarrassed by Fithydelphia, and interestingly enough every story about this event calls the hoodlums "children and teens":

    http://billypenn.com/2016/10/26/was-mob-attack-at-temple-the-resurrection-of-the-knockout-game/ (see 2nd paragraph)
