Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Episode #174 of The Clarey Podcast!

Fan mail.
We might be sent to war if you join the military.
Blow jobs interrupted by central banking discussion.
Australians lose freedom of speech for precious white, blond, girl.
St. Thomas University keeps poor kids off campus
The Ashoka Changemaker Cult.


In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!

Direct download here.

RSS feed here.


  1. Anonymous10:31 PM

    A White guy has decided to try using 18c:


    He is a Senator in the Australian Parliament

    As for the girl in Germany; she's probably one sixteenth Aboriginal, which classifies her as Aboriginal under the Racial Discrimination Act.

    A local journalist named Andrew Bolt used to do a semi-regular feature where he would show photos of people in Aboriginal Only professions (legal under Australian law) who were generally whiter than most of us Australians of European descent. They usually live in inner-city Melbourne and Sydney and claim to be advocates for the truly disadvantaged Aborigines who live out West and up North. One true Aboriginal lady from that area, Beth Price, calls these people "white blackfellas". As a result, Bolt was lawyered out of doing this series through a bunch of these people using 18c (they were "offended") to silence him. He can't say anything about the case as a condition of the court case's outcome.

    If the Carey Fleet wants to help liberate us prisoners (I'm posting as Anonymous because this could presumably be actionable under 18c), then a photo of Beth Price contrasted with Melissa on your blog could be a step in the right direction.

  2. Anonymous10:49 PM


    Julie Sullivan was a tax accountant - majored in Accountancy.

  3. Anon 1049

    Good catch, but it said nothing of her work. Like it just glossed over it. Still I guess better than some worthless degree like women's studies.

  4. Anonymous5:15 AM

    The best bit about the Bill Leak cartoon is how the police chief of Western Australia came straight out and said "yep, that's about right!"


  5. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Dammit! Not Beth Price but Bess Price! Sorry for the cock-up!

  6. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Ashoka was named after Ashoka the Cruel. Of course the present day Ashoka Scam glosses over the real Ashoka's crimes.

  7. Australia is an over-regulated Nightmare Nanny State ...MUCH Worse than California!!!
    I was JAILED for Five and a Half Months FOR NOT WEARING A BICYCLE HELMET.
    Big Left-Wing Governments here Federal & State who love Multi-Culturalism and hate Western heritage and freedom of speech.

    -Dave (Australian 'Captain Capitalism' Subscriber)

  8. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Almost lost consciousness laughing about your "cultural sensitivity". Great podcast, Cappy.
