Wednesday, November 02, 2016

The Father WAS Available for Comment

Female doctor is:

So bad at her job she only makes $25,000
So bad at being a human nobody would impregnate her, so she
Had her gay friend donate the sperm 13years ago
Who is also a doctor, but
Is a good enough doctor he brings in $250,000
So now she's suing for child support.

You never donate sperm boys.  You never donate sperm.


  1. Not to disagree with your point, but the article says she makes $250,000, not $25,000.

  2. Agammamon3:00 PM

    "Cullimore makes just under *$250,000* a year as a gynecologist, obstetrician and university professor"

    I know that might be Canadian dollars but the exchange rate isn't *that* bad.

    Though it does bring up a question - which is worse, being such a crappy doctor that you only bring in 25k a year or pulling 250k and then complaining that you can't take care of two kids on that salary?

  3. A minor correction, Cappy. The article states that she makes just under $250,000.

    Your points are still valid as he makes the equivalent of approximately $209,100. That's right, she makes $40,000+ more than he does but is still crying to the government to forcibly extract more.

    Makes it even worse IMO. Beam me up...

  4. Joe Bar6:06 PM

    The article says she makes $250,000! AND THIS IS NOT ENOUGH!!!

  5. The link says she makes $250,000, not $25,000.

  6. She made $250K, not $25K. Which, by any rational measure, should have been more than enough to pay for two elective offspring without trying to shake down the ex-friend.

  7. Un Americano9:54 PM

    You were off by a decimal point. The article states she brought in just under $250,000. NEVER DO A GOOD DEED FOR A WOMAN.

  8. Normal Guy1:31 AM

    "Cullimore makes just under $250,000 a year as a gynecologist, obstetrician and university professor, the documents show, while Ranson made just under CAD$280,000 in his most recent post with the World Bank in Europe."

    Something doesn't add up here. She makes way more than him and is still asking for child support?!

    Just to clarify. 250000 US dollars is worth 330000 Canadian dollars.

  9. "Cullimore makes just under $250,000 a year as a gynecologist, obstetrician and university professor".

    She makes a quarter million dollars per year, not $25K. And yet she can't afford to support the kids.

    Yeah, my sympathy is non-existent.

  10. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Whoops. Looks like she actually makes $250,000 per year (not 25K) BUT STILL can't afford two kids. What does THAT say about her?

  11. You missed a zero there:

    "Cullimore makes just under $250,000 a year as a gynecologist, obstetrician and university professor, the documents show, while Ranson made just under CAD$280,000 in his most recent post with the World Bank in Europe"

    Turns out, both these people are successful doctors. Which almost makes what the woman is doing to her children's' "spuncle" even worse.

  12. Anonymous12:44 PM

    The article says she makes 250K a year. Makes you wonder even more why she is seeking support.

  13. "Makes you wonder even more why she is seeking support"

    Because she can. I don't know what child support guidelines are like in Canada, but in the US he would be looking at paying around 25% of his pre-tax gross. Call it a round $6k a month.

  14. Faithless Cynic4:59 AM

    Her request for more money is not about the money, it is about revenge. As the great Fred Reed said about relationships ending " The men want to leave and the women want REVENGE " Men should go on a sperm strike and refuse to father children or even donate sperm. Who knows if your sperm donation will come back to impoverish you?

  15. So this women couldn't find ANY man other than a GAY one willing to impregnate her? And she can't raise two kids on $250K per year?

    As Yoda would put it: "FUBAR this woman is."

  16. Take The Red Pill9:53 AM

    Why couldn't this strong, independent female doctor (who undoubtedly doesn't need a man) go to a sperm bank?
    Is it because that (like the UK) men are refusing to donate to sperm banks, and donation pleas have been reduced to using shaming language?
    And you have to remember that a feminist is not concerned about how much money she makes (it's NEVER enough, anyway) -- it's all about how much she can legally extort!
    And this feminist must be a real piece of work, if she has to go to a gay friend for sperm. I'll bet that HE was real surprised -- hopefully, he's learned that you can NEVER trust a feminist if you're a man, even a gay man.
    ALL gay men should keep this case in mind.
