Sunday, December 11, 2016

Fuck Starting a Business in Portland

You are a fool if you have a great business idea and plan on setting it up in Portland.


  1. Stay self employed kiddies! It's the only way to starve the beast.

  2. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Actually, starting a business in any state carried by Hildemort is not an act of wisdom. That includes my state of Colorado, where the 2nd Amendment is hated by both parties, and where the key goal of the Republican Party is to eliminate the Taxpayers Bill of Rights and go back to the days where taxes and spending were raised with no input by the people.

    Subotai Bahadur

  3. Well...
    It will accomplish it's stated goal.
    Once all the businesses and jobs leave Portland, everyone will be equally poor.

  4. favill8:15 PM

    And there will be around 550 firms moving out of Portland in the next few months...ensuring unemployment for all the Portland employees. Good call Portland (NOT).

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM


    Latest flash: there must be quality in all things according to the Board of Equalization of Opportunity* and if there is income inequality there must be punishment. This of course is a another version of Deep Pockets so popular on the West Coast. Have the money, know-how, intelligence? Punishment is the order of the day. Well, well, what can on expect from the "Liberal" mentality.

    *Source: Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

    Where is John Galt?

  6. Webley Silvernail12:04 PM

    The article lost me as soon as it said that Piketty thought it was a good idea. Here's a link to the great George Reisman's essay on Pikkety's "Capital" (which is not a lot different from Marx's Kapital, when u get right down to it). An excellent rebuttal of Pikety's half-baked leftist economic ideas.

  7. I wonder whether Mr. Piketty or the employees do understand that this will mean that the tax will not be paid by the CEO, but out of their pockets. In the end, they will get less money and the city will get more...

    But hey, at least the city council can post that it has done something about "evil" corporate greed...

  8. Anonymous6:03 PM

    since cities are technically in corporations, then wouldn't this law apply to the salaries paid by the mayor and city council since they are the ceo 's in charge of that company?

    Make them set the example...
