Sunday, December 04, 2016

Old School Democrats vs. Modern Day Democrats

I would like to go into a long and detailed poli-socio analysis, but I think this is much more succinct and on point:


  1. That picture is tragic beyond words.

  2. There was a time when "men" like the one on the right would've been laughed right out of society. Now they're seen as " enlightened intellectuals" by the general public.

    How far we have fallen.

  3. Faithless Cynic5:53 AM

    The modern democrat looks like he has never done a days hard labor in his life, and woud not be able to do so. The old school democrat looks like the good people I work with. We are truly FUCKED.

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    On the bright side, when the shit hits the fan these ball-less pansies will be the first to parish. Wish there was a legal way to get rid of them sooner.
