Thursday, January 19, 2017

College Students are Parasites

Or at least more parasitic than originally reported.


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Yes, students are parasites, but all they can get away with is equal to 3 years the salary of a government employee. Or corporate whore. Not all of them default and not all of them study for 3 years.
    And that is what I want to tell the world about in this message:


    The government parasites are SHOUTING "Build bridges, not walls. However all those government buildings and corporations REPRESENT WALLS, not bridges.

  2. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Young kid, 10 or 11, out at 10 o'clock at night setting a fire to say Screw Our President

  3. I think this is also relevant:

    (Link courtesy of Free Northerner)

  4. fatmanjudo6:40 AM

    they aren't the parasites, they are the host.

  5. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Didn't you post a video saying you were thinking of applying to get an Econ PhD? PhDs would seem to be the most parasitic of the bunch. At least most of the undergrads are probably illiterates who will pick up the rudiments of reading, writing and Marxism.

  6. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Not only are they parasites, they're the lowest energy protesters I've ever seen. I was really looking forward to seeing a bunch of bikers beat the shit out of the anarchists that believe they have a right to free health care and college tuition. You might call that a straw-man, but I think these millennials are that dumb. Instead all I get are a bunch of limp wristed, skinny jeans wearing, protein starved, losers getting pepper sprayed every time they run from the cops. I have an Israeli style gas mask with extra filters in every car I own in case I get behind a semi truck accident that's carrying nasty chemicals. I have yet to see even one proper gas mask in all of the protest videos I've seen. These people are incompetent buffoons. Maybe that's the issue, they aren't people(as in adults), they're children(in adult bodies).

  7. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Pepper spray is too kind for these assholes. I'd hit them between the eyes with a 2x4 and give them something to remember, that is if they survived the hit! What a shame that they get to vote!!!
