Friday, February 17, 2017

Here's My Product, Go Buy My Shit, Give Me Your Fucking Money

Friendly reminder to do all your weekend online shopping via the Captain's Amazon program.

Costs you NOTHING, but the Captain gets a 7% commission on all purchases made through his program.

Help support the Captain without having to donate to charity, Patreon, or some other e-beggar type program. Simply get into the habit of going here first to do your online shopping.

Also if sales go up, Cindy promised more modeling.


  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I like Cindy, but please don't hold it over our heads. I don't need any goodies from Amazon. Also, could you bring back the redhead?

  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    If I had any fucking money I might take up your offer.

  3. Ha! You caught me looking for a new phone on Amazon. I live in Italy, your link took me to the USA site, and I had to redirect to

    I hope you still get the kickback, Aaron.

  4. Well, damn. I'm sure I need to buy something...
