Saturday, April 29, 2017

Captain's Plan B for Entrepreneurship

As I've alluded to before, if the truth business ever goes away or for whatever reason Amazon decides they're going to pay pennies on the dollar like YouTube, I will resort to completely unethical, but completely legal entrepreneurial ideas, predominantly in the industry of selling pretties lies to stupid people for a pretty profit.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about.

Think about your future career long and hard.  Do you want to work hard telling people truth, holding them up to standards, and getting called every name in the book while making pennies, or be like the democrat party and make BILLIONS selling lies to the dupes and rubes?


  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Seriously Aaron, fuck 'em.

    The declining US system owes you nothing.

    You owe nothing to the consuming drones.

    Sell the worst, nastiest, most transparently hideous product you can find, and enjoy the decline.

  2. I love how the comments are trying to bring some of the blame and hate on Trump.
    A left wing does something wrong, it must also be a Right Wing to blame!

  3. Looks like the fyre festival...

    Went down in flames.
    Ba-dump-tish 😁

  4. I agree with you (Sorcerygod shakes hands with Captain Capitalism) that there's money to be made in the illusion or false-reality business.

    But I think you underestimate the difficulty of it. For one thing, you have to rewire your whole mindset. Currently, Captain, all your instincts are aligned toward truth. You may be pissed at your life but you get the satisfying consolation prize buzzing of being truthful as you can get.

    But then as a faker you have to eat the dry cardboard of constant lies. On top of that, you have to figure out how to make APPEALING lies.

    Never underestimate the difficulty of this.

    -- Sorcerygod

  5. "... whatever reason Amazon decides they're going to pay pennies on the dollar like YouTube,..." Why not follow your own prescription? The amazon publishing platform is really not much different than your observations about YouTube.

    There are epub platforms you can acquire to do the production. Graphic artists can be acquired under contract. Distribution/payment can be done under your control using PayPal or Pateron. You have enough eye presence that not using Amazon should not be that much of a hindrance if you need to go that route.

  6. Take The Red Pill2:08 AM

    "One Fat Oz Guy said...
    I love how the comments are trying to bring some of the blame and hate on Trump.
    A left wing does something wrong, it must also be a Right Wing to blame!"

    Leftists don't have any track record of being responsible, truthful, or accountable.
    What they DO have a proven track record of, is blaming their failures on their political opponents, which they then use to justify being more oppressive than they already are.

  7. Anonymous9:30 AM

    You could sell Muscimol. There is a supplier in China that sells the chemical on the cheap. Muscimol is completely legal to possess in most states and at the federal level. Except several states where if falls under the broadly defined hallucinogen legal status. The chemical is an alternative to psilocybin and/or mushrooms that contain psilocybin. You would have a bittersweet moment too, as you would be a capitalist taking money from filthy hippies.
