Monday, April 10, 2017

How Cappy Would Run an HR Department

I would exact a toll of revenge so large and with such interest, that HR ladies would suffer the precise same treatment they've dished out these past 30 years.

And it would be grand.


  1. I like the AR in the thumbnail. Shame it wasn't featured in the discussion.

  2. Faithless Cynic4:35 PM

    Thank you for obeying Gunsite Safety Rule 3. " Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot ".


  4. You're going to be an interesting old man. :)

  5. Anonymous5:23 AM

    HR bitches need to be eliminated!!!

  6. Jim Scrummy8:53 AM

    Fun times at the Clarey Corporation, Inc.! HR, where useless people congregate and pretend to do work. I had to take a Wonderlic test for a....part time job one time! I was over qualified for the position (too high test score, saw the test results which I wasn't suppose to see, helps to have spies), and wasn't offered the job. The "HR Lady" was some old hag, who took great pleasure in telling me I wasn't "qualified", based on the results of the Wonderlic...which I scored 44 out of 50 questions correct. She was a useless gatekeeper. By the way, that company today is on it's corporate deathbed, and the DNR is valid.

    All the HR hags (and HR beta-gamma males) need to be given the total Clarey treatment, all of them. I will look on approvingly while I eat my popcorn, enjoying their misery!

  7. HR "recruiters" for STEM companies should be forced to demonstrate some minimal degree of competence in or knowledge of the positions they're tasked with fiĺling before they are allowed to go out body hunting. Enforcement of such a requirement would eliminate 99-plus percent of these useless, ignorant shitbag(ette)s.

  8. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Oh, you forgot to include a capstone company retreat for the HR Department to Antarctica, which you, the CEO, can't attend because your private jet has "engine trouble". Then, when the HR Dept is shivering in parkas, you address them via Skype, to sadly inform them that the company has gone belly up, and has filed for Chapter 11, so you cannot afford any return flights home.

    Then cut power to the compound.

  9. Ah, going for the "John Wick" look, eh?
