Saturday, April 22, 2017

You are a Fucking Idiot for Attending Law School

These liberal arts undergrads-turned law students are so stupid they're CRYING when in reality they should be thanking their lucky stars they're not going into debt anymore.


  1. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Thinning the herd...

    But WHY exactly are the students upset? The worst thing to have is, when you study or learn something a gazillion others are studying as well, as it usually makes for hard competition to get a job. No?

    1. Curious8:53 AM

      There are different types of lawyers though.

  2. I have no sympathy for lawyers or any low life scumbag who wants to join a profession known by all to be populated with low life scumbags.

    1. Curious8:52 AM

      Only the corrupt ones. Lawyers are people who vary in character.

  3. $160k in debt and nothing to show for it? Yep I would be crying too. What I found interesting is that the faculty sued the school and lost. Says a lot about faculty quality.

  4. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Just do not forget that sneering at people seeking education and a prestigious career isn't enough. The right has to find out how to make its own pathways and tracks to the establishment instead. More carrot, less stick.

  5. Jim Scrummy7:40 AM

    For a brief shining moment I had entertained a completely stupid idea of attending law school. Luckily, I awakened from that bad dream and rolled over in bed and went back to sleep. Many in Gen Xers I knew were taken in by the "teevee" lawyer shows during the mid-80's to early 90's (Cough LaLaw Cough), and the "glamorous" lifestyle that lawyers supposedly led. Uh huh, working every weekend while as an associate at a law firm, to make partner, is not my idea of a glamorous/fun lifestyle. I would say better than 75% of the people I know who went to law school, are not currently practicing law. They came to realize how much of a sham law school and the lawyer (slave labor) profession is today. Wasted money and time, a definition of stupidity.

  6. Anonymous9:35 AM

    "Antonia Reyes, a second-year student, said she picked Whittier over other schools in Florida, Arizona and San Diego because of its diverse student body, practical training and focus on race and class issues. Like many of her classmates, she hopes to use her law degree to represent underserved communities."

    All because they have too much ego to go study a hard skill and get a real job. Immersing herself in "diversity" so that she can become an "advocate" for the people who "need" her (a totally elitist view of self).

    This girl should be crying, but at least she's getting it out of her system now, instead of 2 years from now when she finally realizes that her law school "education" was nothing more than ego masturbation. Maybe in time to find a real job so that she can pay back her $160k in student debt.

    Or the more likely case: She enters politics so that she can continue to live the pipe dream of making money through verbal diarrhea. Then fails at that and ends up as an NGO director. Either way, gubment monies.

  7. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Lawyers are the lowest of all humans in this country, except when they then turn into politicians and become even more of a piece of shit! If they're Democrat then it's the Trifecta of being an unneeded asshole!!!

  8. Anonymous7:16 AM

    What if law school was cheap?

    Cheaper than say a master's degree program.

    Would it still be worth going to have a prestige degree?


  9. Curious8:48 AM

    I'm thinking about law as a future and I just wanted to point out that lawyers are only toxic when the profession is done wrong. We rely on law for so much in our lives. Thanks.
