Friday, May 19, 2017

"College" vs. "Collage"

A little bit of help for college graduates...who don't know how to spell "COLLEGE"


  1. Mark Matis11:50 AM

    But speling is rasicts!

  2. RUDE! You arrogant WORM!

    They're probly FWENCHMEN, Aaron. Were you an intellectual sophisticate like me, you would be fluent in their language - which is mostly spoken through the nose. Pay attention:


    "Fromage Au Collage" It means 'cheese'... a staple of the fwenchman's diet.

    How can you hope to relate to young millennials if you can't speak the language of cowards, poltroons and fops? I expect this to be rectumfied next time I stop by the blog!

    Errrr... and have yourself a great weekend, HAR HAR HAR! ;)

  3. The freedom of the internet means there are no editors. That's the feature. The bug? Nobody, including one or two of my favorite bloggers (one being a professional writer, God help us) knows the difference between its and it's. It is physically painful for me to read long posts or essays peppered with it's where its should be. It's like listening to a speaker with a bad stutter.

  4. Well, "college" is a somewhat complicated word to remember---seven letters, two syllables. Unlike more simple words like, say, "graduation"---which has only ten letters and four syllables .....

  5. We need more femin$tazi faculty, the indoctrination system clearly works too well!

  6. No dog in this hunt... But I have to wonder, if we brought Ben Franklin to the present how many spelling errors would we rack up in his view?

  7. CAn you please do one for improper capitalization? One of my pet peeves.
