Thursday, May 04, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 a Bucket of Emotional Tampons

Swear to god can you people in Hollywood just make two good movies in a row?


  1. Damn. I Was looking forward to seeing this. I don't go to the theater as much as I'd like to. I'm kind of burned out on superhero movies (though I made an exception for "Dr. Strange", he's an interesting character), and didn't bother with the last few.

    I guess I'll wait for the Redbox release.

  2. Hollywood has competing priorities which weigh it down, one of which (obviously) is feeding the liberal maw of the left-wing beast, keeping it satiated.

    I'm sure you could write volumes of rightfully ranting material on that, Captain.

  3. There is a creativity crisis in Hollywood and no bones about it.

  4. Mark Matis1:53 PM

    You left out the word "Used" in the head...

  5. Avengers in Space 2. Watch the startling reunion of a superhero comic no one ever heard about, turned into the Kleenex Tissue Paper Lifetime Movie that fat women want to see. Watch as a team of aliens with no reason to be together discover the love they have for each other by having another reason to milk teenager spending cash at the concession stand. No plot, cheesy action, movie stars you don't care about, and more CGI than a Pixar Film.
    Avengers in Space 2. Cause writing is hard, and toy tie-ins are easier to get than actual screenwriters who have ideas for movies.

  6. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Kind of random but my friend and I were talking about divorce law in the USA, and I was reminded of that scene from "Liar Liar" where Jim Carrey's character wins a big divorce settlement for his cheating, golddigging witch of a client (played by Jen Tilly) through a technicality. The kids in the scene even say "we want daddy" as they get ripped from his arms to the custody winning wife that just cares about the money.

    Think Hollywood would write a scene like that in a current movie? If we're lucky, maybe in 10 years when conservatism has fully established itself as mainstream counter culture and Hollywood latches on to that train in order to sell movies. It wouldn't be the first time Hollywood did a drastic 180 in politics. Hopefully it happens again someday.
