Thursday, May 25, 2017

Shock! Republican With Balls Wins!

Who knew America was sick and tired of prissy-white, lying saints as politicians and elected a man who slapped up a lippy journalist!


  1. If only.

    I'm afraid AMERICA, or large portions of the East and West Coasts at any rate, are yet to be sickened. But Montana is, for sure. I spent time one summer in college working at Yellowstone Park, on the Montana border. It's still a frontier in many ways. You can DIE in Montana if you are stupid. Just being from Montana gives you an extra 10 Big Balls Points automatically. And they don't suffer tenderfoot fools - or prissy reporters - easily. LOL

  2. The most telling part of that article is how it describes a 7 point margin as "narrow". Reverse it and have the Dem win by 7, suddenly it is a landslide victory.

  3. VFM #791612:58 PM

    He should not have apologized though.

  4. My bet is that Mr. Gianforte is just another filthy lying piece of Rove Republican shiite, and that he will suck Lyin' Ryan every time they tell him to do so.

    Nothing more than another GD Jackass in an Elephant Suit. Damn them all straight to hell where they belong.

  5. From what I hear, it was more of a "choke slam" than a "body slam".

    Either way... it was entertaining.

  6. The incident, which a Gianforte campaign aide initially blamed on Jacobs, prompted the state’s three largest newspapers to rescind their endorsements of the GOP candidate,

    Since nobody gives a shit anymore about what MSM organs endorse or don't endorse, this move by Montana's "Big Three" (wooooooooo!!!) will have either ZE-RO impact on Gianforte's csmpaign, or will attract even more support.
