Sunday, May 14, 2017

Yes, Berkeley "Haas" a Business School

The University of California Berkeley is a curious entity.  It is without a doubt the most leftist, anti-free speech, anti-freedom college in the United States.  It generates, at best, worthless liberal arts graduates, and more typically, damaging ones who will be net parasites on society.  Yet, at the same time, it has highly-ranked, highly-legitimate STEM programs, producing engineers, scientists, and other productive members of society.  But while this odd square peg is rounded with a universal indoctrination of leftist politics (all their scientists/STEM graduates are just as easily brainwashed as the liberal arts majors), I was shocked to find out Berkeley has a business school.

Yes, an actual business school replete with MBA program and all.

It's called the "Haas Business School" and is ranked surprisingly highly in both undergraduate and MBA programs.

This completely flummoxed me because there was just no way to reconcile Berkeley's anti-progress, anti-capitalism, anti-production environment with that of a highly ranked business school.  Alas there it was, in all of it's business schooly glory, punching in the weight class with Wharton and the U of Chicago.

So out of morbid curiosity I just had to look up what the class requirements are to earn a degree from the "prestigious" Haas School of Business, and what I found was not surprising at all.

First, like all colleges, the Haas School of Business does not make it easy, clear cut, or obvious what you need to graduate.  Despite my best efforts to take the minimum number of courses to graduate from college, I too took one unnecessary class.  I believe schools make it this complicated on purpose so that they can eek out those couple extra thousand dollars from their students.

Second, what also stood out was Haas' insistence you take 7 "breadth" classes, one each from the following categories:

Arts and Literature
Biological Science
Historical Studies
International Studies
Philosophy and Values
Physical Science
Social and Behavioral Sciences

You can look up the individual lists from the link above, but all are chock full of worthless, liberal arts pre-requisites that, once again, only exist for two reasons.  1) to serve as an employment vehicle for Berkeley graduate students in the worthless liberal arts.  2) to brainwash you into leftist politics that has nothing to do (even everything antithetical) to business.  All under the hypocritical lie that you need to be "well rounded."

Third, was the "core" group of business classes every business major, regardless of specialty, has to take.  This includes 10 "basic bitch" classes such as "micro-economics" (because your high school class I guess wasn't good enough), "business communications" (which is surprisingly like all communications), "marketing" ("gotta spend money to make money!"), and two complete throw-away classes "Leadership" (because I'm going to let a 22 year old leftist moron lead my company) and "The Social, Political, and Ethical Environment of Business" (more leftist brainwashing from a professor who never worked in the real world of business).

You would think this would be enough in academic-indulgences-bribery money to satiate and keep employed Bekerley's ranks of worthless professors,theoreticians, and academians, but it's not, because the University of Berkeley also has some class requirements of all their graduates, regardless of their college and degree.  Like all graduation requirements, they don't go into detail, hoping to get you to sign up for 3, 4, 7 classes you don't need, but they fall into three categories.

"American History"
"American Institutions"
"American Culture"

These requirements are likely nothing more than additional and unneeded, rank leftist propaganda, but even if not, they certainly have nothing to do with business.

Fifth, you need 12 "upper division, non business units" to graduate from the "prestigious" Haas Business School.  What they are, again, they don't clearly say, but they EXPLICITLY tell you it CAN'T be business.  Making me (and the students no doubt) wonder how much better a business major they could have been if they were allowed to...oh, I don't know...STUDY WHAT THEY WANT WITH THOSE EXTRA 12 CREDITS???

And then finally, the numbers.

They just don't add up.

Though I could be wrong, the best I could suss it out, your average Haas Business School student will take, in total, 65 BUSINESS credits.  Only 38 of which will be in their particular major (finance, marketing, HR, etc.).  This is out of a TOTAL REQUIRED CREDITS of 120 to graduate.

So let's do some math that I think even Haas Business School students can understand.

When you go to the Haas School of Business, only 54% of the classes you take will have anything to do with business.  And when you really look at it, only 32%, LESS THAN ONE THIRD of the classes you take will have anything to do with you major.

Translated another way, 2/3rds of your tuition money and time is spent on crap you never wanted to study and (in my humble opinion) is nothing more than a money grab from Big Education that makes the mafia's insurance plan look fair.

Of course, this is not just the Haas School of Business, but nearly every business school, and nearly every college in America.  The majority of classes college students take have nothing to do with their major, and everything to do with enriching the life-long-academian class.  The first and foremost purpose of higher education is NOT to educate "the future" but to get you to endebt yourself, often times to the tune of $100,000, all so Big Education can make almost as much money on you as the mortgage industry. 

The real question is why is it taking Americans, especially the youth, so long to see this scam for what it is?  I understand that we are now forcing all of our (precious) youth into indentured financial servitude because the Bachelors Degree is the new High School Diploma.  I know millions of baby boomer and Gen X'er parents are naive about the realities of higher education, unconsciously brainwashing their children that "they MUST ALL GO TO COLLEGE."  But when do you sheep wake up and realize a college "degree" that only gives you a third of the education you need/want with a price tag of $100,000 and 4 years of your youth is a racket, not to mention, the primary cause of all future millennial financial problems?

I used to want to do the right thing and sound the alarm, toll the bells, and try to warn Americans about the financial risks of pursuing worthless degrees.  But instead I (or anybody else) who tries to warn people about this are greeting with hostility, accusations of "ruining dreams," or just being "ignorant" (a favorite accusation of 19 year old self-described "independent minded people").  Throw in the fact these lemmings continue to keep running off the cliff, I not only find myself wanting to enjoy the decline, but actually am sadistically starting to enjoy watching the carnage.

For example, just two months ago the clerk checking me out at the grocery store unsolicitedly lamented to me about the election of Donald Trump.  I asked him what he was going to major in, and he said, "theater."  With a straight face that would win the World Series of Poker I told him,

"Look kid, I know you think just getting that bachelors in theater is going to help, but nowadays you REALLY need to get a doctorate if you want to be successful."

Because, you know, I don't want to get in the way of anybody's dreams.
Aaron Clarey is a mean, bitter old man who likes to destroy young people's dreams and kick puppies. He does this because he is evil.  If you'd like to read some of his evil works consider buying "Worthless: The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major" and "Poor Richard's Retirement: Retirement for Everyday Americans."  Both are full of mean, hurtful things like "facts" and "numbers" and are guaranteed to hurt your feels, trigger you, and send you into a campus safe space.  You may also hire him for a personal consultation at his company Asshole Consulting.


  1. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Do you need a business degree to start a business? No. My dad was a college dropout and was self made man. I admire him for that. He rose to the position of General Manager/CEO of a company where he was mistreated by the owner. He branched out on his own to an office the size of a studio apartment with a typewriter, some letterheads and a secretary. From his business experience and from the "school of hard knocks", he became very successful in business. College degrees and credentialism have become the bane and the curse of our time. Job interviews have become joke as well. Pointless affairs where the applicant has to say right words and monkey around for the audience even to get a hearing. I too encourage young people who are college bound to veer away from college degrees and go into the trades or do something practical, which may come in good use when hard times hit.

  2. The STEM division if UC Berkeley should break away from UC and form its on college. Sort of like a UCBerkeleyExit.

  3. Anonymous2:08 PM

    "Look kid, I know you think just getting that bachelors in theater is going to help, but nowadays you REALLY need to get a doctorate if you want to be successful." - ROFLMO made my day! I'm going to start using that one. Make them double or triple down on stupid.

  4. "Look kid, I know you think just getting that bachelors in theater is going to help, but nowadays you REALLY need to get a doctorate if you want to be successful."


    You're evil.

    Salute! :)

  5. Mark Matis3:15 PM

    I suppose this tells you how bad the OTHER business schools must be these days if Haas is highly ranked...

  6. Anonymous6:33 PM

    The article criticizes Berkeley business program for being one year of courses in business, one year in the major field within business, and two years of general education. That is what most business programs around the country look like. Many other degrees are like that. Berkeley is different because of the liberal content of the courses. The real issue is whether someone with a high school education needs two more years of liberal course work.

  7. I've been encouraging every pro marxist low life I come across on farcebook to "just go for it" and get that worthless degree. "Look at it this way Becky you only live once and college will give you memories and friends that will last a lifetime!" LOL.

  8. But what did he say AFTER that? Or did he just give you the "deer in the headlights" stare?

  9. "Look kid, I know you think just getting that bachelors in theater is going to help, but nowadays you REALLY need to get a doctorate if you want to be successful."

    You should've told him that he needs parallel majors: say, Theater AND Literature (or Communications, or somesuch) and of course PhDs in both if he's to be taken seriously and stand out from the competition.

  10. Jim Scrummy6:24 AM

    "Look kid, I know you think just getting that bachelors in theater is going to help, but nowadays you REALLY need to get a doctorate if you want to be successful."

    CLASSIC! Can I use that with a newby Poly Sci graduate I know. He can't find a full-time job...wonder why? ? His new plan is to...go to law school? But, mommy and daddy aren't going to pay for that "experience". I say, have fun with that $100K debt kiddo.

    Theatre? Ok, I do have a friend who earned a BA and MA in Theatre Production. He has done very well with his career financially, but, he has stated to me over the years, that everything he learned in this bidness, he learned On The Job-OTJ. He started out building sets (he's a helluva carpenter now-all OTJ training), and then moved forward from there. But I suspect, that he may be one of the lucky ones in regards to his career in the "Theatre".

  11. In the early 80's, I was an undergraduate at a top ten engineering school, top 1-3 in several disciplines. As part of a "broad education" initiative, the accrediting board required students to take Liberal Arts classes. You could take pretty much any sophomore or higher level course in any college other than Science or Engineering. The requirement? 15 credit hours, or about 5 courses. Usually, your adviser twisted your arm pretty hard to make sure micro or macro econ was one of the courses. It was nice to have one course a semester that wasn't STEM, and doubly nice to wreck the curve for the Intro to Psych or Science Fiction as Literature courses.

    When Liberal arts students talked about how "narrowly focused" the STEM diplomas were, I'd ask how many science, math, and engineering courses they took. In most cases, it was 1 math or stat, one general science. And these are the people who want to tell us how to fix society?

  12. p35flash8:32 AM

    Scott Adams, of Dilbert comic fame, graduated from the Berkely School of Business.

  13. A Texan10:11 AM

    As an engineering major, we did like to make fun of the 'libtard' arts, but I do admit I wish I could have taken the drawing class with an afternoon lab years ago. I think an engineer could benefit from it. Other than that, I can read history on my own from less approved sources if I like. I guess a decent business writing course could be helpful to some. Again, I can read great literature if I like on my own.

  14. If there ever is a detonating nuclear war, I hope the professors of Haas are survivors in a cold, frozen-over California that never sees the sun again.

  15. In ll the years I have heard the rationale thar STEM students need to be "well rounded" by taking arts and humanities courses, I have NEVER heard of the corollary demand made of Liberal Arts students-- that they must become well rounded by taking hard science or math classes. Indeed, many of them gravitated to the left side of the campus because they hated/feared/couldn't do math.

    It's amazing how innumerate they are. Most cannot read a graph or do simple percentage calculations. I had a friend who had served as a police officer in a college town, where cases of rape of female students by inhabitants of the surrounding vibrancy were not uncommon. Testifying at trial one day he completely flummoxed the defense attorney who was cross examining him. "Officer Dastardly, what is the average rapist like?" (Trying to get him to make a racist statement)


    "Yes, average" (contemptuously, ha ha what a dumb flatfoot, playing to the jury)

    "By average are you asking the mean, the median or the mode"? replied my friend, completely baffling Lawyer Ignoramus.

  16. Anonymous12:27 PM

    You know what Captain?

    I was in line and god, did the cashier take forever. At first, I didn't notice because I was responding to an urgent work email on my smartphone while waiting in line. That's when I was wondering what the hell was taking so damn long?! Some stupid customer was complaining that the prices were not right. That this bottle of wine was 50 cents off and that cup should be 25 cents off...

    It was just irritating. What was worse was these 2 girls complaining that they had degrees but they were working minimal wage jobs. And that's when it hit me - I remembered your article that retail is going to go away. Well, it's not the companies that are causing this. It's the goddammmmm customer!

    If you got customers holding up a damn line, then truly retail is dying. Just look at the all stupid stories you read on reddit - "I don't work here lady" or "Tales from Retail" and that's exactly why Retail, is D-E-A-D. And worse of all is the stupid degree holders working the damn jobs.

    You know what I did when I got home? I went on the website of my online stock broker and bought stock. Yup. I'm going to profit off of the customers running these stupid retail companies run by worthless degree holders to the ground!

  17. Thinking back on it, I have told that little story about my friend the cop a few times over the years. Know what? Every time I told it to a lawyer, I had to explain in detail the terms mean, median and mode. Ans lawyers consider themselves very smart people.

    Me? I'm just a middle aged woman. My degree is in Urban Studies, of all things, and I went to public school. But things were different back then. I can't believe how little is demanded of students now.

  18. Steven Magallanes10:58 PM

    Business school is obsolete.

    You can get tailored and specific information ran by serious entrepreneurs over the web.

    Sure they charge you, but no where near to the extent of paying some theoretician who thinks
    he knows what business is all about.

    You will not become a qualified teacher in entrepreneurship by reading about it.

    The day will come (many entrepreneurs are agreeing on this) where the demand of college will plummet. The infrastructure and foundation is broken, and many teachers will be laid off.

    So if you are an education major under the age of 40, prepare for a world of hurt (:

  19. The University of California, Berkeley, has become the vanguard of the Pyramid Scheme in post-secondary education.
