Thursday, September 28, 2017

Academics are Whores

No, seriously.  They are literal whores now.

Will be covering this on the podcast tomorrow.


  1. Um Americano6:37 PM

    The women will always have the easy way out.

  2. I knew a guy who was an adjunct professor and making $27k per year. He ended up quitting teaching college and went to teach high school and making $48k per year plus benefits.

  3. I love how the writer of this story is trying to curry sympathy from the readers to the plight of these poor professors who are living in squalor and teaching college for less than someone flipping burgers. They failed to bring up the fact that the reason why colleges pay them like garbage as adjuncts is because they can. There is an over supply of desperate professors on the market with worthless credentials.

    Of all the sad stories in this article, not one of these people are in STEM. They are all teaching worthless liberal arts/humanities. I am willing to bet you dollars to donuts that you local college isn't fucking with the professors of engineering. I bet the STEM professors are getting full-time pay, tenure track with full benefits. That is because the colleges know that those in STEM have options outside of academia. Not like someone who was dumb enough to go deep in student loan debt to get a masters or PhD in a liberal art.

    My favorite is the professor of critical thinking who sleeps in her car. She must really suck at critical thinking. Otherwise critical thinking would have told her to get the hell out of academia and find something better paying in the real world.

  4. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Ahahahhahhahahhaaaaaaaa........ Serves those arrogant fucks right....and it's nice to see them get fucked by Obamacare too.....although I'm not too sure about whether they realize that or not....

    You rule Cappy!!!!!! Go Cappy GO!!

  5. Oh cry me a river.....

    Being an adjunct prof is not a 'career' (whatever that means these days) its a part time job. I won't classify it similar to a McDonalds job, an adjunct is paid more than $15/hr, but it has some of the same attributes. I was an adjunct for over a decade so I know the insides of this game.

    But here's a clue, most adjuncts are working professionals. At least they are in the STEM field I know of. They are hired for the very specific skills they practice on their regular job. We did it for many reasons, to give back, use the money for a splurge, or like myself looking for upcoming new talent.

    I also note that of those profiled in the piece they are English or humanities majors. Yep, right out of "Worthless".

  6. “Most of my colleagues are unjustifiably ashamed,” she said. “They take this personally, as if they’ve failed, and I’m always telling them, ‘you haven’t failed, the system has failed you.’”

    No... YOU failed. You made the decisions that brought you to that point. And by the way, why do you have dogs? That's a big chunk of your expenses right there. Get rid of the damn dogs.

  7. Don't flood the market dumb shits.
