Thursday, September 14, 2017

All That Virtue Signaling for Nothing

Poor Google, despite all the lip service and espousing the correct leftist values, feminism still comes a-knockin' for it's danegeld. 

Again, the left will eat its own because it is programmed to put itself and its enrichment ahead of everybody else, even fellow leftists. 


  1. Anonymous5:01 AM

    So, the Damore guy was really fired for publishing confidential material. The memo was meant to be a part of Google´s defense against this suit. And now they´re screwed because of it!

  2. I'm sure that the allegations are poppycock, just like everything else Western Feminists harp about, but yeah, karma is a Sharon Osborne.

    And I chuckled at the Google sharing icon on the bottom of the page.
