Monday, October 30, 2017

Spider Woman Now Pregnant

Don't know how this escaped my net 2 years ago, but still deemed it worthy to post here on the ole blog.  Apparently Spider Woman is now pregnant.

I knew Marvel was full of SJW 20 somethings who simply cannot create works of art void of politics, but my god are they completely tone deaf to what the MARKET and their CUSTOMERS want???

Never mind, I know, I know.  This is all they know how to do because actually creating new characters with new plots is beyond their skill level.  It's rehashes, remakes, sequels, pre-quels, reboots, and white-washing because there's not one cell of originality in all their brains.


  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    She appears to be unmarried and will become a single mom at some point, however this part caught my eye as it runs afoul of conventional SJW/feminist orthodoxy:

    "That struggle is a big part of our first arc. How do you save the world without endangering your unborn child?"

    So at least there is that.

  2. As I understand it she got a nice boy for a "manny" (male nanny) once the kid was born so she could continue being a super-hero.

  3. She will also become a bisexual who was molested and/or raped by her father, stepfather or mother's boyfriend(s), too. Give it time.

  4. Dennis H10:21 AM

    Is she going to give birth to one hundred babies?

  5. Anonymous10:37 AM

    So will she give birth to one human baby or a hundred thousand tiny spiders?

  6. Who's the " lucky" sperm donor? Venom or the Green Goblin?

  7. Who's the " lucky" sperm donor? Venom or the Green Goblin?

  8. Or perhaps she is going to be the first male to female trans to have a baby. So she is really Spiderzhi.

  9. Post Alley Crackpot1:15 AM

    Is the special secret message supposed to be that she's standing in front of the flag for Bahrain and that she got knocked up by a sheikh?

    The Sharif don't like it when she rocks the Casbah.

  10. Fake news.
    The real spider woman would have had an egg sack.

  11. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Here's the dude that knocked her up...
