Friday, November 10, 2017

How and Why the Left is the Biggest Threat to the Freedom of Speech

The short version is they're mental and have nothing else in their lives, but their religion of politics.  The longer version is below:


  1. I was with...I mean I had bologna taco once, but I liked bologna at the time.

  2. Albert10:07 AM

    They live in a world where people either control others or are the ones controlling others. Goes all the way back to Marx, who hated it when communists got uppity and questioned him about his bullshit. Probably why he made the opiate of the masses claim, classic envy + projection.

  3. Girls.

    Funny you should mention that.

  4. I was recently thinking along the lines of if you have a tattoo and piercings all over your body, you don't have anything else to distinguish yourself.
    Same with politics. Simply championing all these political injustices, leaves your other real political stances hollow.

  5. Anonymous2:23 AM

    "...they're mental and have nothing else in their lives, but their religion of politics."

    Unforunately when they realize you will not convert and simply walk away to leave them to their zealotry, awhile the while resisting to pay their tithe, they have a tendancy to "murder the infidels" like another infamous group. They also share a need to subjugate others in order to validate their worldview all the while living off those members who are not of their cult.
