Monday, November 20, 2017

SJW's Infest The Girl Scouts

I'm thinking I'll have to do an expose and Clarey Test on the Girl Scout's executive management after this.

I will sadly also not be buying Girl Scout cookies anymore.  Not because I do care for the girls, but I loathe the leadership who abuse girls to advance political aims.


  1. Using the Boys and Girl Scouts as avenues of leftist political indoctrination is no better than turning those fine organizations into the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls.

  2. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Mother of Crom...mouse-over that top photo and check out the caption.

  3. Walgreens Drug Store sells off brand Girl-Scout cookies that are just as good, cost less, and available all year.

  4. I stopped buying Girl Scout cookies when I found out they didn't have any Girl Scouts in them. But seriously, I can't remember the last time I bought GS cookies from an actual GS. It always seems to be the parents selling them.
