Friday, November 03, 2017

Stay Frosty Boys

Stay the freak frosty.


  1. They celebrate because he's a Republican.

  2. "Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!"

    For the life of me, I don't understand why Kelsey Grammar or any other well known actor in Hollywood would want to get married. Especially given the draconian divorce laws that exist in California. Especially since he is already a two time loser in marriage. He isn't going to be satisfied until he ends up like Robin Williams.

    Works hard for the money, divorce courts take it all away.

  3. 100% of chicks in the limited number of comments I read were basically "you go girl". Not one apparently thinks that him working his ass off for years to be successful warrants him keeping his own money. Nope. He's a jerk and she deserves cash and prizes.

  4. Wasn't that the line in Aliens (1986) just before the platoon was attacked?

  5. He's a good actor, but he always struck me as being a tad light on his feet. Perhaps she'd be happier with one of the more strident members of the Religion of Pieces.

  6. Anonymous9:33 AM

    So who gets the money in a lesbian divorce?

  7. He'll rotate in the next parasite. Not a damned thing was learned.
