Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Father Could Not Be Reached for Comment

But the live in boyfriend could.


  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    "Mariah's biological father, Alex Woods, expressed skepticism about his daughter's disappearance when speaking to WCTI.

    "For someone to just walk right up in there, grab the 3-year-old out of bed, she didn't cry, she didn't scream, nobody heard nothing?" Alex Woods said. "Four people in the house, two adults and two kids. Somebody just comes up and snatches baby and walks out?""

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM

    "For someone to just walk right up in there, grab the 3-year-old out of bed, she didn't cry, she didn't scream, nobody heard nothing?" Alex Woods said. "Four people in the house, two adults and two kids. Somebody just comes up and snatches baby and walks out?"

    This. Foul play from either the mother or boyfriend.

  3. Please, don't let it be the boyfriend...please, don't let it be the boyfriend...please, don't let it be the boyfriend...please, don't let it be the boyfriend...please, don't let it be the boyfriend...
