Thursday, January 04, 2018

It's Green, It's Organic, It's Fair Trade, It's Raw!

There's a sucker born every minute.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if I ever lose the current moral gig I got for myself I am IMMEDIATELY pulling an Oprah/Democrat Party and selling lies to the morons who will pay with their LIVES for it.  Sheep want lies that hurt them and they will pay for it.  I cannot think of a more profitable and easy life than selling lies to the weak-minded that deserve it.


  1. Anonymous7:05 PM

    They should source water from out here in Montana. It's so full of all-natural heavy metals that sometimes the fish die off.

    Also this:

  2. I have honestly thought very seriously about doing that several times. The market for a faker fakir is endless.

  3. There is a reason why we boil and filter water when you are camping in the woods.

    After reading this story, I am seriously conflicted. Do I try and stop these lemmings from ingesting impurities, parasites and bacteria in untreated water or cheer them on and encourage them to drink more?

    The sad part is that these dumb asses are paying more to drink untreated water than it would cost to drink a couple of cases of beer.

  4. The popularity of bottled water, of any kind, is rooted in snob appeal.
    It is a deliberate statement of wealth and affluence to pay absurd prices for water.
    People don't drink such water for its 'health benefits' (or lack thereof).
    For the consumer, it's value lies only in what being seen consuming it signals to others.
    And really the principle is the same with all so called 'organic foods' which are also notoriously overpriced.

  5. Heh, Drink up, Libs, drink deep and full. Invite your fellow libs and illegal immigrants to join you. I'll sit back with my popcorn and watch...

  6. Capn' here is another 'its raw' opportunity. Home delivery of uncooked meals. Firms are already in it -- HomeChef, HelloFresh, etc. But what a scam. $30-60 for ingredients that probably sell of half that if you went to the market. You still have to prep it, cook it and serve it. So the 'convenience' probably cost you double and only shaved 30-40min off your effort.

    If PT Barnum was alive today he would make ZuckFace look like a piker.

  7. A little chlorine in the gene pool every now and then is not a bad thing

  8. Anonymous11:51 AM

    C'mon guys! Give them a break. At least when they die from cholera, dysentery and other water borne diseases they will be biodegradable ...

    You have to wonder why they bothered with scientific and medical advances over the last 200 years when you see stupidity like this.

    Phil B
