Monday, February 26, 2018

Amy Klobuchar - Professional Luddite

I find this funny coming from a woman who never worked an honest day's work in her life.

Remember, this is coming from a senator from the state where we're re-naming lakes from white males who were slave owners to Indian American names because we simply hate ourselves.


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Any klobuchar net worth per 2015: $1.11m. Prob much higher now.

    Maybe instead, she should go to Silicon Valley and learn how to do it. Except that requires talent (and as much as we libertarians like to mock those guys in the valley, talent is for sure something that they have). Easier to be a professional asshole with an opinion.

  2. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Government regulation of speech eh? That will go over well in the courts.

    It would be amusing to see CNN be fined for lies though.

  3. Please dumb cunt go after Facebook and Google. We non-leftists are cheering on your crusading efforts to piss off the people who are supposedly on YOUR side.

  4. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Ms Klobuchar, how about this: you write it. You write the code. You do it. How about that? Open-source your algorithm.

    So many people from this class seem to think that cutting code is like manufacturing widgets, that the variables are man-hours and money.

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      You mean it's not!? I just assumed any idiot could do my job.

  5. The same process of renaming to Maori placenames has been going a long time here in New Zealand, too.

  6. SM7773:57 PM

    I think it's hilarious. Let them fine farcebook. Hell, let them find an excuse to fine the googlers. Let the left eat it's own and enjoy the show (and the decline).

  7. Un Americano6:36 PM

    Leftist goes after leftists for pro-leftist adbots. Ouroboros.

  8. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I find it hysterically funny that they're re-naming Lake Calhoun to something that sounds like "bidet".

  9. Anonymous7:30 AM

    MN is full of leftist assholes like her. How do think she got voted in? I fled that state many years ago, never to return. I only go there when they can be played as Useful Idiots to serve my needs!!
