Thursday, February 08, 2018

For the D&D/Geek Agents in the Field

This won't be for everybody, but for those of you who played D&D back in the day (or even today) you may like the podcast I sat in on a podcast called "Legends of Table Top" where we discussed all things geekery about RPG's, Battletech, Shadow Run, Atari video games, and general tom foolery.  It was actually a very interesting conversation especially if you happen to be 30+ and played back in the day.


  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    ASX/Global Insider trading? Governments withholding market information from participants? Sydney City.

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I was just explaining Shadowrun to a coworker 15 minutes prior to seeing this post.

    Glad to see that still getting love. I loved the Sega Genesis release for the brand, and there are 3 RTS in the Steam store that rock as well.

    And Robotech started my Anime addiction, since as a kid it was the only cartoon I could find playing on Sundays in my hometown.

  3. i love me some battletech

  4. Wow. I remember kids who played this in school were segregated to the very BACK tables of the lunch room...felt bad for them. This explains alot

  5. Ah, Battletech! I sincerely miss that one.

  6. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Well aschkually, that picture is Heroquest, not D&D.
