Tuesday, February 27, 2018

It's Ok, Because She's REALLY REALLY Sorry

Plus vagina!



  1. Here is hoping shw won't have any more fights with said fiance. Or should I say ex-fiance.

  2. I love the idea of sentencing women who lie about being raped to ... actually being raped. That might lead them to think twice or thrice in the future about looking at rape in such a careless and cavalier manner.

  3. Take The Red Pill2:52 PM

    Oh yeah...she's 'really sorry' for wasting the time of the police, making up a complete BS story, and putting four completely innocent anonymous men in danger of being charged for a crime that they didn't commit.
    Being let off scot-free REALLY taught HER a lesson, didn't it?
    Wonder what she'll do next time when she throws a temper tantrum with her new boyfriend or fiance? (That is, if her present fiance has any brains.) If he does, he'll thank God for this massive Red Flag that dropped out of the sky, and 'dodge a bullet' by "NEXT!"ing this psychotic drama queen...

  4. As outrageous of a miscarriage of justice this story is, I take two positives out of this:

    1) No innocent men were charged, went to prison or had their reputations unjustly smeared.

    2) This bitch will never get to make another rape claim ever again now that this is forever on her police record. That is because any defense lawyer with half a brain is going to be able to use this to impeach her character.

  5. Permanent loss of 2nd amendment rights. Whoops.
