Friday, March 02, 2018

Bounty Hunting Communists

How this one escaped my grasp two weeks ago I don't know, but this is certainly something President Cappy would do.


  1. Mark Matis4:47 AM

    President Duterte would do better if he were to resurrect Air Pinochet. But instead of using helicopters, go with their C-130s. Far more efficient.

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    When is this program coming to America?


  3. Duterte to female parasite rebels:

    "There’s a new order coming from 'the mayor.' We won’t kill you. We will just shoot your vagina. If there is no vagina, it would be useless."

  4. Take The Red Pill11:05 AM

    FINALLY! A leader of a modern nation who realizes the dangers of 'negotiation' with those whose only aim is to kill or imprison all those who disagree with their aims. For all of the noise of those who support Marxists/Socialists/Communists that they only want 'coexistence' with capitalism, history since the rise of Soviet Russia has shown the worst atrocities, murders, acts of injustice, and genocide were committed by Communists and their Useful Idiots. The latest example of how "Socialism works, until you run out of other people's money" in Venezuela, hasn't been reported at all by the Leftist lapdogs in the MSM for quite some time now.

  5. A Texan5:00 AM

    I wish we could take the leftist here in this country and just shoot them, but it would be a waste of a good bullet. At best, they should be moved into concentration camps and fill the camps with some of their favorite 'duh-versity' pets so we can see whether all cultures are equal (or not). It would be a fun empirical experiment.

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM


    Transportation uses expensive fuel. Knives never run out of ammo.
