Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Cappy's Death Valley Adventure

Took out the Southern Command Motorcycle to Death Valley, specifically Shoshone, California.  It was once again another horrible day of not bothering with Facebook or teh social webz.


  1. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Thanks for that one crappy bringing back some memories love that road. As much as the desert is so thirsty and desolate, it has a beauty unparalleled and all its own.

  2. Now is the time to go, before it gets too hot.

  3. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Hey Cap, what motorcycle do you have?

  4. Nice! Thanks for the pix. I used to ride, but it seemed like every time I got on the bike, something went wrong. A school bus pulled out in front of me, a caddy ran me off the road, something. So I gave it up, and I'm trying to resist the temptation to buy a nice Sportster and take the scenic route to Church some Sunday - around the world.

  5. The roads look so empty. The best life is one lived off-peak.

  6. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Cappy, what kind of motorcycle are you riding?

  7. If you are still in the vicinity of Death Valley there is a route I highly recommend. Head up to Stovepipe Wells and take 190 to Panamint Springs and then over to Olancha. Head north on 395 up to Lone Pine and then the road up to Whitney Portal.

    Take 395 back south to Hwy 58 east and that will take you to Barstow where you can pick up I-40 or I-15.

  8. Passed through Death Valley last summer. Was 120 degrees. Place is no joke! Good place to camp in the cooler months it looks like.

  9. Passed through Death Valley last summer. Was 120 degrees. Place is no joke! Good place to camp in the cooler months it looks like.

  10. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Great views and scenery Cappy. I swear you're the only place I come across regularly on the internet that shows parts of the U.S. that still seem so untouched or un-bogged down by what we call 'modern life' with all its so called "conveniences." Like you said "another horrible day of not bothering with Facebook or teh social webz." Exactly. Speaking of which, unlike some of your comrades in the manosphere, or whom ascribe with it, I would say that you've done a pretty good job of cultivating your own social webz via your main site (and the others/youtube etc) to where, if by some weird scenario, facebook, twitter, instagram, etc etc were to suddenly disappear, you'd still basically have your own social sphere via this site, built from the ground up and catering about & to those of like-minded individuals, vs say, the mob of unintelligent masses.
