Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Why Do People Pick on the Millennials So Much?

I have no idea why.

No freaking clue.


  1. So... what do you guys think the likelihood is that the wannabe attorney, if he finally passes his exam, will represent the 30-year old man-child who didn't want to move out of his parents' house?

  2. I am sick of Boomers and Gen-Xers slagging Millenials!

    It's not their fault. We Boomers raised most of them.

  3. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Mark Steyn once mentioned a case in Italy involving a 30 something old student who sued her father after he cut her off financially. She won the case and her father was ordered by the court to pay her 12k in arrears and a continued monthly allowance.

    Found it:

  4. For me, it's summed up by that incident where a handful of them burst into tears over pro-Trump chalkwriting - CHALKWRITING - on the sidewalk of their Pinko college campus. That was all I needed to know.

  5. iBeckTech9:50 AM

    I really hate it when people like you go off and whine about millennials all the time. You go on-and-on about how normies do this and that, and buy Apple products and Starbucks. Well, in 2018, the new NORMIE thing to do is whine about millennials. Also, Baby Boomers and Gen X'ers are no better. Get off your vain, arrogant pedestal and quit bashing on these freaking millennials all the time. Jesus Christ, it gets annoying!

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I really hate it when people like you go off and whine about millennials all the time. You go on-and-on about how normies do this and that, and buy Apple products and Starbucks. Well, in 2018, the new NORMIE thing to do is whine about millennials. Also, Baby Boomers and Gen X'ers are no better. Get off your vain, arrogant pedestal and quit bashing on these freaking millennials all the time. Jesus Christ, it gets annoying!
